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Severe WX March 23-25th, 2023


100,000th Post
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Not sure if they were homes or not, but definitely multiple slabs in that video. Also, can't help but notice the flimsy wooden bridge still standing amidst violent damage.
Yeah , I think the bridge was right on the cutoff of the extreme winds you can see on the flight path of that drone. To the left of it it's not as extreme but to the right it is. It was probably close to getting sucked up
Reaction score
Northern Europe
1.) You're drawing way too many conclusions without nearly enough information.
Hmm...I stated that I believe the damage in Rolling Fork supports mid-range EF4 intensity, which is hardly an absurdly conservative assessment.

At this point, is it unreasonable to state that the evidence thus far does not support clear-cut EF5 damage? It could turn up later, but has not yet.

2.) Fun fact: the Wrangler plant damage was rated EF3, so stop using it as a benchmark for violent factory damage.
There are plenty of reasons to disagree with the DAT on this, including comparison with similarly damaged factories, as well as contextual DIs such as scouring, vehicular damage, and so on. Based on all this the winds in the vicinity of the Wrangler plant were clearly of high-end EF4 or greater intensity. So I think one should not be criticised for using the Wrangler plant as an industrial example of EF4+ damage, just like the Yourga plant following the Wheatland PA F5 in 1985. Also, I am puzzled to hear that you actually agree with the EF3 rating for Wrangler.

3.) Input on damage intensity is not wanted when it's coming from you.
There are more polite ways to make the same statement, y’know. Let’s not get into personal matters.


100,000th Post
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Hmm...I stated that I believe the damage in Rolling Fork supports mid-range EF4 intensity, which is hardly an absurdly conservative assessment.

At this point, is it unreasonable to state that the evidence thus far does not support clear-cut EF5 damage? It could turn up later, but has not yet.

There are plenty of reasons to disagree with the DAT on this, including comparison with similarly damaged factories, as well as contextual DIs such as scouring, vehicular damage, and so on. Based on all this the winds in the vicinity of the Wrangler plant were clearly of high-end EF4 or greater intensity. So I think one should not be criticised for using the Wrangler plant as an industrial example of EF4+ damage, just like the Yourga plant following the Wheatland PA F5 in 1985. Also, I am puzzled to hear that you actually agree with the EF3 rating for Wrangler.

There are more polite ways to make the same statement, y’know. Let’s not get into personal matters.
Keep posting, man everybody is welcome here.

Not sure what the uproar about your post was for


100,000th Post
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Interesting video…. Going to be very interesting to following the surveys on this. There are what appear to be well built houses near that water tower that did not sustain high end damage.

I think it was a extreme case of cut off, atleast from what I can tell. Definite high end damage right of the bridge with obvious lesser end to the left.


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Hmm...I stated that I believe the damage in Rolling Fork supports mid-range EF4 intensity, which is hardly an absurdly conservative assessment.

At this point, is it unreasonable to state that the evidence thus far does not support clear-cut EF5 damage? It could turn up later, but has not yet.

There are plenty of reasons to disagree with the DAT on this, including comparison with similarly damaged factories, as well as contextual DIs such as scouring, vehicular damage, and so on. Based on all this the winds in the vicinity of the Wrangler plant were clearly of high-end EF4 or greater intensity. So I think one should not be criticised for using the Wrangler plant as an industrial example of EF4+ damage, just like the Yourga plant following the Wheatland PA F5 in 1985. Also, I am puzzled to hear that you actually agree with the EF3 rating for Wrangler.

There are more polite ways to make the same statement, y’know. Let’s not get into personal matters.
Let me get this straight, you disagree with the DAT survey despite not knowing the details of the Wrangler Plant construction, despite engineering analysis concluding that it failed in EF3 winds due to tilt-up construction, and despite you never seeing it in person and not having any engineering expertise? And you are basing it on context entirely? Yeah sure, you of all people would know better. What an absolute joke...

You've managed to further prove that you do not have the type of neurology nor the skills to have ANY useful input on damage intensity.

So no, input on tornado damage from you is not wanted, and I think that's a sentiment shared by others besides me.


100,000th Post
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The issue is you don't know his history here, and that he doesn't know what he's talking about.
That doesn't matter his history.

You sound incredibly condescending, maybe casuarina has been before idk
I do know everybody has a voice in this thread even if it's not the most educated. If you have a issue put a healthy debate. Don't shoot down the other person or tell them your input is not valid.

Both you! And @Casuarina Head input is valid. Both of you keep posting. Ignore it if the other person may not be educated or put a healthy post of why you disagree.

Just because you may be more educated than another doesn't mean somebody that isn't can't post something and disagree or put a counter argument.

All this just seems petty and stupid.


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That doesn't matter his history.

You sound incredibly condescending, maybe casuarina has been before idk
I do know everybody has a voice in this thread even if it's not the most educated. If you have a issue put a healthy debate. Don't shoot down the other person or tell them your input is not valid.

Both you! And @Casuarina Head input is valid. Both of you keep posting. Ignore it if the other person may not be educated or put a healthy post of why you disagree.

Just because you may be more educated than another doesn't mean somebody that isn't can't post something and disagree or put a counter argument.

All this just seems petty and stupid.
Lol I mean, Weren’t you the very one liking Andy’s stuff last night when he was blowing his trademarked gatekeep gasket on us because a few of us had the “gall” to say the storm mode was messy.

Healthy debate should be encouraged in all
Directions, not just in Casuarina’s case
Reaction score
Northern Europe
Let me get this straight, you disagree with the DAT survey despite not knowing the details of the Wrangler Plant construction, despite engineering analysis concluding that it failed in EF3 winds due to tilt-up construction, and despite you never seeing it in person and not having any engineering expertise? And you are basing it on context entirely? Yeah sure, you of all people would know better. What an absolute joke...
Umm...even trained specialists assigned an “EF4” rating to Vilonia. With all due respect, you are not a specialist either, and specialists are not gods (no one is God but the God, and I don’t claim to be God)...

As for that Wrangler “EF3” damage:


Source, with credit

Massive scouring, debarking, shredding of vehicles, and granulation on the Wrangler property itself, but...EF3. Okay...

I won’t go off topic and venture into personal asides, but I felt honour-bound to clarify this.

Otherwise, my point on Rolling Fork still stands: there is no solid evidence of anything higher than mid-range EF4 at this stage.


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Caledonia, MS
I don’t want to do the ratings game or compare this early, but while Amory had an extremely impressive radar presentation(could be due to its extreme close proximity to the radar) I think Rolling Forks, just judging on photos so far, looks to be the worst of the night
I agree! While still horrible, I’m a bit relieved at the footage I’ve seen this morning from Amory. I was expecting what we’ve seen from Rolling Fork from what we heard last night. That said, I’m not sure if they’ve covered the hardest hit areas yet.