This pretty much sums up the state of the democrat party with the working class.
The leftward lurch of the Democrat Party in recent decades, on issues ranging from gun rights to taxpayer-funded abortion, began the alienation of the party’s conservative, working-class coalition—in Appalachia and across America—whose ties to the party have always rested in labor politics. This alienation did not stop, however, with disregarding their views on social issues, ramping up into policies that have directly attacked their livelihoods.
“Green” policies drive up energy prices and send manufacturing jobs overseas. In response, party leaders insult the pride of those who have always provided for their own families, offering welfare checks in place of lost paychecks. Now, with total Democrat control in Washington, President Joe Biden is attempting to override union-negotiated collective bargaining agreements—violating one of the core tenants of the labor movement—requiring companies to fire workers who do not comply with his vaccination mandate. For those whose jobs survive, inflation erodes wages as Democrats urge the Federal Reserve to print trillions funding a massive spending agenda. Adding insult to injury, those who voice objections are targeted by the new woke enforcers of the Democrat Party as “deplorable” and uneducated racists, standing in the way of the grand utopian vision.

Joe Manchin and the blue-collar exodus
Should anyone be surprised that working-class communities, like those in West Virginia, have shifted red?