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2020 Political Thread

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Debunked by whom though. I only see LIberal media outlets trying to debunk them. It is like they really do not want the truth to come out. Now that is not to say that every video that comes out is legit. But there are some out there that are. Why in the heck would a poll worker be yelling at all republican supporters to get out of the polling area. Why would that be?

Let's keep an open mind and get to the bottom of it, and if the investigation turns out that the election was not messed with in a way to overturn the election, then so be it. But lets have the truth.
They were kept out because they weren’t trained observers. You can’t let everybody come watch the count, it’s physically impossible.


PerryW Project Supporter
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I'm pretty confident that election shenanigans were played by both sides. Maybe a few ballots turned in by dead people... voters being purged from the rolls without valid reasons... tens of thousands of mail in votes held in Post Offices and not processed in time to be counted in the election.. the Repubs are just as guilty maybe even moreso than the Dems.


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McCalla, AL


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McCalla, AL
Debunked by whom though. I only see LIberal media outlets trying to debunk them. It is like they really do not want the truth to come out. Now that is not to say that every video that comes out is legit. But there are some out there that are. Why in the heck would a poll worker be yelling at all republican supporters to get out of the polling area. Why would that be?

Let's keep an open mind and get to the bottom of it, and if the investigation turns out that the election was not messed with in a way to overturn the election, then so be it. But lets have the truth.

You're confusing poll workers and the polling area with observers allowed in the counting rooms during vote tabulation by poll/election workers.

The GOP had observers in place during vote counting. Dozens, even. They've tried to pretend like they were blocked simply to advance a narrative. They already took this claim to court and were forced to admit that they did, in fact, have numerous observers watching the counting take place.

I refer you to Judge Diamond's hearing on the matter from several days ago (back when Trump was still leading in PA due to uncounted mail ballots). Judge Diamond was appointed by W and the GOP. He actually blocked Jill Stein from demanding a recount and contesting Trump's victory in Pennsylvania back in 2016. You wanted the truth so I'm going to give you the truth. Do you have another video or fraud claim you're concerned about? I get wanting fairness. So, let's go through any and all issues that you're bothered by.



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McCalla, AL



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McCalla, AL
They were kept out because they weren’t trained observers. You can’t let everybody come watch the count, it’s physically impossible.

They were kept out for multiple reasons including that they already had a packed room full of GOP observers. Another reason is that the people who were blocked WANTED to be blocked so they could allege wrongdoing by claiming "Why are they blocking us? Why can't we observe the vote-counting? What are they trying to hide?" Why would they do that? Because they knew their misrepresentation would make it into dozens of viral videos and thousands of viral tweets and convince people the process was corrupt even though it wasn't.

This isn't about wanting to assure a free and fair election. It's about fabricating as much uncertainty and spurious allegations as possible to cast doubt on Biden's victory simply because that's what Trump's plan was always going to be if he lost. As mentioned in the earlier article I posted, this was long the plan. It's always been about giving Trump the ability to deny that he lost a fair and square election because he can never admit he lost or that he was wrong.

Those of you insisting that Trump is just using legal procedures and challenges to assure a fair election, ask yourself deep-down if you think that's what is really going on. Ask yourself why Loeffler and Perdue demanded the Georgia SOS resign today even though the man is a lifelong Republican who has actively gone after voter fraud since he was elected as SOS.

Do you feel used and duped yet? If you don't, ask yourself why Trump's margin of about 45k was sufficient for Hillary Clinton, of all the people, to concede defeat in Pennsylvania, but not good enough for Trump when he's on the opposite side of a virtually identical margin.

Ask yourself why Trump and his allies pushed a phony claim about voting with a Sharpie in Arizona even though the Republican Attorney General of Arizona investigated their complaints and found them to be 100% incorrect and without merit. Including the fact that multiple tweets, official documents, and polling station signs advised that Sharpies were one of the preferred writing instruments to be used in Maricopa County for in-person voting. This allegation persists among Trump friendly media outlets and allies even though it has been debunked 100% by multiple Republicans and clear-cut evidence that existed PRIOR to the election.

How many claims have to be 100% debunked before you think Trump will concede? If you're honest, you know the answer is somewhere north of infinity. In other words, every single allegation can be debunked, rejected by a court, or verified as untrue with hard evidence, and he and his allies are still going to make the exact same claims that the election was stolen. He's not going to concede. This whole exercise is deeply damaging to American Democracy and it's all being done to satisfy the emotional and mental needs of a man who is incapable of admitting he lost, is incapable of telling or accepting the truth, and whose stability rests on being surrounded by sycophants loudly telling him he's the best and is being treated very unfairly.

Trump is burning down every last piece of fuel he can find as he exits out the door, and he's clearly not done yet. The latest idea of getting state legislatures to override the popular will of its voting public is the most recent insane idea to go mainstream. Does anyone understand how sickening and un-American that kind of idea really is?


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McCalla, AL


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Why do you find them startling?
“50%. Half of President Trump's supporters say they believe top Democrats are involved in elite child sex-trafficking rings, and an even higher percentage of Trump supporters believe the president is diligently working to dismantle these rings, according to a national survey released last month”

It’s scary to me that half of half the country is dumb enough to believe something with no evidence other than a guy on 4chan they don’t know and speaks in code.


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Harvest, AL
“50%. Half of President Trump's supporters say they believe top Democrats are involved in elite child sex-trafficking rings, and an even higher percentage of Trump supporters believe the president is diligently working to dismantle these rings, according to a national survey released last month”

It’s scary to me that half of half the country is dumb enough to believe something with no evidence other than a guy on 4chan they don’t know and speaks in code.
You shouldn't be startled by that.


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trump is facing an uphill battle with his voter fraud suits. It doesn’t help that he has cried fraud in just about every election since 2012.

How many project veritable claims have turned out to be bogus?


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“50%. Half of President Trump's supporters say they believe top Democrats are involved in elite child sex-trafficking rings, and an even higher percentage of Trump supporters believe the president is diligently working to dismantle these rings, according to a national survey released last month”

It’s scary to me that half of half the country is dumb enough to believe something with no evidence other than a guy on 4chan they don’t know and speaks in code.
So I guess Epstein according to you killed himself and his ties to Bill Clinton don't mean a hill of beans to you. Or the many celebrities who rode on his planes and visited his island.


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Huntsville, AL
So I guess Epstein according to you killed himself and his ties to Bill Clinton don't mean a hill of beans to you. Or the many celebrities who rode on his planes and visited his island.
About as much as the video of Trump and Epstein chit-chatting at a party overlooking young women dancing. People involved should be investigated. Those who mindlessly apply their criticisms to only Democrats are obviously politically motivated to do so. QAnon is way more than that simplistic view of it though. A lot of those folks are waist deep in a flat earth-like conspiracy theory and reasonable suspicion gives way to absurd accusation. Epstein was a serious situation and the QAnon's allegations dilute the circumstances immensely. I can't help but find it ironic that a child sex trafficking case comes along regarding a person associated with Donald Trump and then a huge conspiracy accusing democrats of being the predators circulates way way more than before the aforementioned case. Similarly Trump chastised voting by mail, simultaneously encouraged people to try and vote twice, now there's a huge conspiracy about Democrats participating in voter fraud? All a big case of the pot calling the kettle black, then calling the night sky black.


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Hartselle, al
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About as much as the video of Trump and Epstein chit-chatting at a party overlooking young women dancing. People involved should be investigated. Those who mindlessly apply their criticisms to only Democrats are obviously politically motivated to do so. QAnon is way more than that simplistic view of it though. A lot of those folks are waist deep in a flat earth-like conspiracy theory and reasonable suspicion gives way to absurd accusation. Epstein was a serious situation and the QAnon's allegations dilute the circumstances immensely. I can't help but find it ironic that a child sex trafficking case comes along regarding a person associated with Donald Trump and then a huge conspiracy accusing democrats of being the predators circulates way way more than before the aforementioned case. Similarly Trump chastised voting by mail, simultaneously encouraged people to try and vote twice, now there's a huge conspiracy about Democrats participating in voter fraud? All a big case of the pot calling the kettle black, then calling the night sky black.
Please show me where he encouraged people to try and vote twice. I have never heard any such thing from him.

As far as Trump's meeting with Epstein you leave out it was only once and then he quickly distanced himself from Epstein. I do not believe everything Q Says. But I do not dismiss everything either. Maybe if we had some real news organizations besides left and right-leaning crap, we could actually believe what we were being told.

Are we going to spend the next 4 years investigating Biden's misdeeds like we did the false allegations against trump? I honestly hope not, but even if the truth smacked you in the face, you would just say oh that's false news. Really getting tired of the hypocrisy around here. I stay away from this part of the forum because most of you here can't handle the darn truth. You can't stand it when there is something against one of your beloved. Go ahead worship at the feet of your Idle Biden. I will honor the presidency, but Again Pushed away from here of the idiotic statements made by those who claim to be enlightened. How about calling for an investigation of the suspected pedophile rings? How about the call for an investigation of the alleged voter fraud. How about calling for an investigation of censorship of those who have conservative viewpoints?

If there isn't anything to see, hear or speak of then why do you have an issue investigating it? Are you Scared of the Truth?


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Please show me where he encouraged people to try and vote twice. I have never heard any such thing from him.

As far as Trump's meeting with Epstein you leave out it was only once and then he quickly distanced himself from Epstein. I do not believe everything Q Says. But I do not dismiss everything either. Maybe if we had some real news organizations besides left and right-leaning crap, we could actually believe what we were being told.

Are we going to spend the next 4 years investigating Biden's misdeeds like we did the false allegations against trump? I honestly hope not, but even if the truth smacked you in the face, you would just say oh that's false news. Really getting tired of the hypocrisy around here. I stay away from this part of the forum because most of you here can't handle the darn truth. You can't stand it when there is something against one of your beloved. Go ahead worship at the feet of your Idle Biden. I will honor the presidency, but Again Pushed away from here of the idiotic statements made by those who claim to be enlightened. How about calling for an investigation of the suspected pedophile rings? How about the call for an investigation of the alleged voter fraud. How about calling for an investigation of censorship of those who have conservative viewpoints?

If there isn't anything to see, hear or speak of then why do you have an issue investigating it? Are you Scared of the Truth?

Trump met with Elstein far more than once. He even flew on Epstein’s plane. Trump had Epstein judge a calendar girl contest at Mar a Lago in 1992. Some of the girls Epstein abused were recruited at Mar a Lago.
Here is what Trump said about him in 2002:

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years, terrific guy,” he explained. “He’s fun to be with– it’s even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

I disagree with your statements about Trump encouraging voters to vote twice and Trump’s relationship to Epstein.

lots of the far right enjoys attacking press stories that have anonymous sources, but quickly believe the wild stories of somebody that won’t even reveal themselves.


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McCalla, AL
Please show me where he encouraged people to try and vote twice. I have never heard any such thing from him.

As far as Trump's meeting with Epstein you leave out it was only once and then he quickly distanced himself from Epstein. I do not believe everything Q Says. But I do not dismiss everything either. Maybe if we had some real news organizations besides left and right-leaning crap, we could actually believe what we were being told.

Are we going to spend the next 4 years investigating Biden's misdeeds like we did the false allegations against trump? I honestly hope not, but even if the truth smacked you in the face, you would just say oh that's false news. Really getting tired of the hypocrisy around here. I stay away from this part of the forum because most of you here can't handle the darn truth. You can't stand it when there is something against one of your beloved. Go ahead worship at the feet of your Idle Biden. I will honor the presidency, but Again Pushed away from here of the idiotic statements made by those who claim to be enlightened. How about calling for an investigation of the suspected pedophile rings? How about the call for an investigation of the alleged voter fraud. How about calling for an investigation of censorship of those who have conservative viewpoints?

If there isn't anything to see, hear or speak of then why do you have an issue investigating it? Are you Scared of the Truth?

Still waiting for you to respond to my last couple of posts to you. I discussed a specific incidence of voting fraud you said was concerning to you. Would appreciate a response. Thx.


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