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Archive 2017-2019 Political Thread

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McCalla, AL
Dems are the ones who think blacks are simple minded. They have abused them for decades. Look at the UR for income of blacks. Nuff said!

How many GOP members of Congress are black? That's what I thought...

Your argument doesn't make any sense. You're the one saying black people are simple-minded because you're claiming Dems "abused" them for decades yet black people continue to vote for the Democrats.

The black community, just like the white community, is made up of many different people with many different opinions. Of course you have SOME black Trump supporters. It'd be strange if you didn't. But a few black people voting for Trump (or supporting him) don't speak for the entire community, and it's ridiculous to act like they do. David Duke received a few votes from Black voters. I bet even a couple of Jews probably voted for him (just like how there are Jewish members of Neo-Nazi groups).

Polling by Fox News shows that a majority of Americans believe that Trump's recent actions are racist, they think he's done a very poor job with topics relating to race, and even Republicans are increasingly holding these views.

Your opinion that Trump has never done anything racist, and that the real racists are his critics, is obviously the minority opinion in this country. You believe something that few people believe. Of those that do, the vast majority of them are white male Baby Boomers. Why is that? Do white male Baby Boomers have some kind of special ability to discern racism or define it? I think not. I think we all know why they're the primary ones defending Trump.


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Huntsville, AL
Because so called moderates on either side never disown disavow or hardly even disagree with the extremists.
While it's true a parties main constitutes would be more lenient towards those on their side, I don't see how the average Joe is supposed to make their opinions known if they do disown, disavow or disagree with an extremist. There's very few who do the talking for a party and they don't represent the actual average person. For example, I think this third trimester abortion thing is absurd and so do many, if not all of the Democrats I know. But of course it's easy for someone on the right to paint with a wide brush and say that the Democrats support third trimester abortion. In actuality only ~13% of Americans support that view, according to a Gallup poll. While there's still more Democrats than Republicans that support it, there is a strong consensus that it shouldn't be legal or allowed among both parties. A mischievous person could misconstrue things by leaving out those details and instead focus on the bad deeds or stances taken by the extreme minority as a way to further alienate the right from the left. There's certainly no problem with reporting on those people, their policies and disagreeing with them - but it's not okay to make the narrative that Democrats support this or that it's part of the party platform. Democrats don't support it and maybe they should do a better job at getting that message out like you said.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
While it's true a parties main constitutes would be more lenient towards those on their side, I don't see how the average Joe is supposed to make their opinions known if they do disown, disavow or disagree with an extremist. There's very few who do the talking for a party and they don't represent the actual average person. For example, I think this third trimester abortion thing is absurd and so do many, if not all of the Democrats I know. But of course it's easy for someone on the right to paint with a wide brush and say that the Democrats support third trimester abortion. In actuality only ~13% of Americans support that view, according to a Gallup poll. While there's still more Democrats than Republicans that support it, there is a strong consensus that it shouldn't be legal or allowed among both parties. A mischievous person could misconstrue things by leaving out those details and instead focus on the bad deeds or stances taken by the extreme minority as a way to further alienate the right from the left. There's certainly no problem with reporting on those people, their policies and disagreeing with them - but it's not okay to make the narrative that Democrats support this or that it's part of the party platform. Democrats don't support it and maybe they should do a better job at getting that message out like you said.
The Democratic Platform explicitly states it “will protect a woman’s right to safe and legal abortion” and enumerates no limits on that right. They seemingly don’t align with even a majority of their supporters. But I get what you’re saying.

This is a same predicament the Republican Party is in with their explicit dissent of marriage equality. The majority of Americans support marriage equality within the last decade. I’ve seen polls where Republican support is ticking upward toward a majority as well, yet the party lags behind.

Platforms are stupid. They’re made for the politically uneducated who go in and press a button based on party affiliation.


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Vandiver, AL
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Do white male Baby Boomers have some kind of special ability to discern racism or define it? I think not. “I think we all know why they're the primary ones defending Trump”

Why Evan?


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How many GOP members of Congress are black? That's what I thought...

Your argument doesn't make any sense. You're the one saying black people are simple-minded because you're claiming Dems "abused" them for decades yet black people continue to vote for the Democrats.

The black community, just like the white community, is made up of many different people with many different opinions. Of course you have SOME black Trump supporters. It'd be strange if you didn't. But a few black people voting for Trump (or supporting him) don't speak for the entire community, and it's ridiculous to act like they do. David Duke received a few votes from Black voters. I bet even a couple of Jews probably voted for him (just like how there are Jewish members of Neo-Nazi groups).

Polling by Fox News shows that a majority of Americans believe that Trump's recent actions are racist, they think he's done a very poor job with topics relating to race, and even Republicans are increasingly holding these views.

Your opinion that Trump has never done anything racist, and that the real racists are his critics, is obviously the minority opinion in this country. You believe something that few people believe. Of those that do, the vast majority of them are white male Baby Boomers. Why is that? Do white male Baby Boomers have some kind of special ability to discern racism or define it? I think not. I think we all know why they're the primary ones defending Trump.

Question, why have blacks voted overwhelmingly for democrats for fifty years ?


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I don’t think a democrat would be allowed to speak at their convention if he held any view in restricting abortion in any way.

There will be a gay speaker or pro same sex marriage speaker at both party conventions.

Supreme Court was wrong in both cases.

Both cases deny civil rights and legal protections to children.

Yes it does.

So does no fault divorce, serial divorce and remarriage, surrogacy, prostitution and sex slavery.

Imagine finding out you were conceived in a Petri dish, frozen for a number of years, implanted in the uterus of someone that was not your biological mother, then raised by two people of the same sex, who before you turn 10 years old get divorced and both remarry and you have to go back and forth between the two new households. You can’t help but wonder about your biological parents they turn out the most diabolical because they both along with the woman who gestated you were paid for their biological property and services . That’s how you came to be in this world treated as bought and sold property. Do you feel the constitution and bill of rights have worked for you? No more than they did for 3/5’s persons back in the day.


PerryW Project Supporter
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I don’t think a democrat would be allowed to speak at their convention if he held any view in restricting abortion in any way.

There will be a gay speaker or pro same sex marriage speaker at both party conventions.

Supreme Court was wrong in both cases.

Both cases deny civil rights and legal protections to children.

Yes it does.

So does no fault divorce, serial divorce and remarriage, surrogacy, prostitution and sex slavery.

Imagine finding out you were conceived in a Petri dish, frozen for a number of years, implanted in the uterus of someone that was not your biological mother, then raised by two people of the same sex, who before you turn 10 years old get divorced and both remarry and you have to go back and forth between the two new households. You can’t help but wonder about your biological parents they turn out the most diabolical because they both along with the woman who gestated you were paid for their biological property and services . That’s how you came to be in this world treated as bought and sold property. Do you feel the constitution and bill of rights have worked for you? No more than they did for 3/5’s persons back in the day.

Yeah... it would have been better if they had been aborted while in the fetus of the surrogate.... right?

Mike S

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Meridianville, Al
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I didn’t know Mexico had a Pentagon.

Ha! Great minds think alike. I replied to a certain lover of storms on social media that I thought the wall was to be paid for in Pesos, not Pentagon dollars.


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McCalla, AL
Do white male Baby Boomers have some kind of special ability to discern racism or define it? I think not. “I think we all know why they're the primary ones defending Trump”

Why Evan?

Because they're Trump's largest group of supporters. I thought everyone was aware of that? The largest group of American voters still remains Boomers. Trump's support among female Boomers is lower than among Male Boomers -- a large enough difference that more than makes up for the fact that there are slightly more female Boomers than male Boomers (due to the life expectancy gender gap). Male Boomers represent Trump's largest demographic. They're going to be the most likely to support and defend him.


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Vandiver, AL
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Because they're Trump's largest group of supporters. I thought everyone was aware of that? The largest group of American voters still remains Boomers. Trump's support among female Boomers is lower than among Male Boomers -- a large enough difference that more than makes up for the fact that there are slightly more female Boomers than male Boomers (due to the life expectancy gender gap). Male Boomers represent Trump's largest demographic. They're going to be the most likely to support and defend him.

But you said we all know “why”, I was wondering why?


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McCalla, AL
But you said we all know “why”, I was wondering why?

Then I guess you don't fall into the "all." I thought it was a pretty well-known fact that Trump's largest base of support is white male Boomers, and that they tend to be his most ardent and loyal supporters. They will not criticize Trump no matter what he does or says.

I'll try again to explain what I was saying in the most basic way I know how. White male Baby Boomers don't have some special ability to discern what is racist nor do they have some kind of special ability to define what racism means. They don't CARE if everyone else thinks what Trump said is racist. Their logic is: Trump said it, thus it should be defended. They'll defend anything he says or does. They're sycophants. In other words, it's not that they've got some innate ability to understand what's racist and what's not better than the rest of the American public -- they simply don't care.

Poll after poll has shown that young voters, female voters, poor voters, suburban voters, minority voters, etc all adjust their approval (or favorability) ratings of Trump in response to Trump's most recent behavior and actions. Guess who doesn't? White males age 55+. Their support for Trump has changed very little no matter what has taken place (whether it be Charlottesville, family separation of immigrants, or any other public opinion moving event).

The "why" is simple. They're the people Trump was talking about when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and they'd still vote for him.

If anyone else was confused or didn't understand, please let me know. I thought the Fox News polling data I posted before my comment was sufficient context. Especially for those who frequently read and post in this thread. I've brought up white male Baby Boomers more than once. Even in the past 10 pages or so. Trump's behavior, lying, and frequent Twitter attacks don't bother them. They see it as a feature and not a bug -- unlike most Americans (even other groups of people who generally support Trump).


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McCalla, AL
Question, why have blacks voted overwhelmingly for democrats for fifty years ?

I don't know, Matt. Why don't you enlighten us on why you think they do?

Generally speaking, people vote for the parties or candidates that they think are the most trustworthy, most representative of their values, best understand them, are most likely to protect or help them, and do the most to reach out and connect with them and ask them for their vote. Obviously those are not the only reasons voters vote for a particular candidate or party. There's a myriad of other reasons as well. Reasons that include voting against the other party or candidate.

Your question could be re-phrased to ask: Why have most black voters continously and overwhelmingly rejected Republican candidates and the Republican Party? Are you so certain that most black voters are voting for Democrats instead of against Republicans?

Are you really struggling to understand why most black voters chose not to vote for a guy who has been sued for refusing to rent apartments to other black people? Or why they chose to reject a guy who took out a full-page ad to call for 5 young minority males to receive the death penalty while ignoring similar cases when the accused were white?

It's not that difficult to understand, Matt. The GOP itself understood this. The GOP strategy pre-Trump was about expanding the GOP electorate by doing more outreach to minorities and working to make the party more hospitable to minority candidates and voters. They were doing that because every single bit of research shows that most minority voters don't feel comfortable with the Republican Party, yet each election the percentage of minority voters in the electorate is increasing. But if wasn't just about minority voters. It was also about Millennial voters and Generation Z voters. They, too, don't feel comfortable with the Republican Party even though most Millennial voters tend to have beliefs just as Conservative as Baby Boomers.

It's why a lot of GOP opposition to Trump was predicated around the idea that he was mortgaging the long-term prospects of the party for an irreversible one-time electoral advantage. The 2018 mid-terms showed a sharp uptick in under 35 voters. In fact, Millennial turnout sky-rocketed, and 30% of Generation Z voters turned out. That 30% turnout shattered the record for the turnout of voters in that age group (Generation Z voters are the youngest voting group) dating back to pre-Boomer days. As I mentioned above, Millennials actually have beliefs that tend to be just about as Conservative as Boomers -- contrary to the inaccurate stereotype that they're wild-eyed liberals. They're just MUCH more likely to reject the GOP and vote for independent candidates, write-in, or even vote for Democrats because they feel like the GOP doesn't represent them.

Even churches are feeling the impact as young Conservative Evangelicals can't quite stomach Trump like their parents can.


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How many GOP members of Congress are black? That's what I thought...

Your argument doesn't make any sense. You're the one saying black people are simple-minded because you're claiming Dems "abused" them for decades yet black people continue to vote for the Democrats.

The black community, just like the white community, is made up of many different people with many different opinions. Of course you have SOME black Trump supporters. It'd be strange if you didn't. But a few black people voting for Trump (or supporting him) don't speak for the entire community, and it's ridiculous to act like they do. David Duke received a few votes from Black voters. I bet even a couple of Jews probably voted for him (just like how there are Jewish members of Neo-Nazi groups).

Polling by Fox News shows that a majority of Americans believe that Trump's recent actions are racist, they think he's done a very poor job with topics relating to race, and even Republicans are increasingly holding these views.

Your opinion that Trump has never done anything racist, and that the real racists are his critics, is obviously the minority opinion in this country. You believe something that few people believe. Of those that do, the vast majority of them are white male Baby Boomers. Why is that? Do white male Baby Boomers have some kind of special ability to discern racism or define it? I think not. I think we all know why they're the primary ones defending Trump.

I don't understand what's going on here.
"How many GOP members of Congress are black? That's what I thought..." Are you insinuating that the GOP are keeping black people from running for Congress? If so, I'd like to see your proof. If that's not what you're suggesting then what was the point of this statement? You can't make someone run for office, and by reading the rest of your post, it's clear black people generally have low opinions of Republicans so why would they be lining up to run on their ticket? The logic doesn't line up, therefore, the Republicans by simple math would have fewer black people in Congress. Or am I missing some greater point here? If it is the 'why' of the matter, why do black people have low opinions of Republicans? Well that's something that could be discussed, but I think it deserves an actual conversation and not just some remarks designed to prove how bad the party is because Trump is at the head. Also, the Democrats, in my opinion, have abused the black voters for years by taking advantage of their good-will by promising them the moon and giving them moon dust. Election after election we watch the promises given and at the end of the politician's term, how many promises were kept? Democrats do not stand on some mighty throne. They promise much and make good on very little. But that, too, is a discussion that could be had. But, I quit posting here because this has turned into the I Hate Trump Show and I'm just over it. Believe it or not, there are other shitshows taking place out there. Other topics we could be discussing. Yes, he's the Pres. But he isn't the only person in office. And he isn't the only fire that needs tending.


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McCalla, AL
I don't understand what's going on here.
"How many GOP members of Congress are black? That's what I thought..." Are you insinuating that the GOP are keeping black people from running for Congress? If so, I'd like to see your proof. If that's not what you're suggesting then what was the point of this statement? You can't make someone run for office, and by reading the rest of your post, it's clear black people generally have low opinions of Republicans so why would they be lining up to run on their ticket? The logic doesn't line up, therefore, the Republicans by simple math would have fewer black people in Congress. Or am I missing some greater point here? If it is the 'why' of the matter, why do black people have low opinions of Republicans? Well that's something that could be discussed, but I think it deserves an actual conversation and not just some remarks designed to prove how bad the party is because Trump is at the head. Also, the Democrats, in my opinion, have abused the black voters for years by taking advantage of their good-will by promising them the moon and giving them moon dust. Election after election we watch the promises given and at the end of the politician's term, how many promises were kept? Democrats do not stand on some mighty throne. They promise much and make good on very little. But that, too, is a discussion that could be had. But, I quit posting here because this has turned into the I Hate Trump Show and I'm just over it. Believe it or not, there are other shitshows taking place out there. Other topics we could be discussing. Yes, he's the Pres. But he isn't the only person in office. And he isn't the only fire that needs tending.

Read the thread.


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I don't know, Matt. Why don't you enlighten us on why you think they do?

Generally speaking, people vote for the parties or candidates that they think are the most trustworthy, most representative of their values, best understand them, are most likely to protect or help them, and do the most to reach out and connect with them and ask them for their vote. Obviously those are not the only reasons voters vote for a particular candidate or party. There's a myriad of other reasons as well. Reasons that include voting against the other party or candidate.

Your question could be re-phrased to ask: Why have most black voters continously and overwhelmingly rejected Republican candidates and the Republican Party? Are you so certain that most black voters are voting for Democrats instead of against Republicans?

Are you really struggling to understand why most black voters chose not to vote for a guy who has been sued for refusing to rent apartments to other black people? Or why they chose to reject a guy who took out a full-page ad to call for 5 young minority males to receive the death penalty while ignoring similar cases when the accused were white?

It's not that difficult to understand, Matt. The GOP itself understood this. The GOP strategy pre-Trump was about expanding the GOP electorate by doing more outreach to minorities and working to make the party more hospitable to minority candidates and voters. They were doing that because every single bit of research shows that most minority voters don't feel comfortable with the Republican Party, yet each election the percentage of minority voters in the electorate is increasing. But if wasn't just about minority voters. It was also about Millennial voters and Generation Z voters. They, too, don't feel comfortable with the Republican Party even though most Millennial voters tend to have beliefs just as Conservative as Baby Boomers.

It's why a lot of GOP opposition to Trump was predicated around the idea that he was mortgaging the long-term prospects of the party for an irreversible one-time electoral advantage. The 2018 mid-terms showed a sharp uptick in under 35 voters. In fact, Millennial turnout sky-rocketed, and 30% of Generation Z voters turned out. That 30% turnout shattered the record for the turnout of voters in that age group (Generation Z voters are the youngest voting group) dating back to pre-Boomer days. As I mentioned above, Millennials actually have beliefs that tend to be just about as Conservative as Boomers -- contrary to the inaccurate stereotype that they're wild-eyed liberals. They're just MUCH more likely to reject the GOP and vote for independent candidates, write-in, or even vote for Democrats because they feel like the GOP doesn't represent them.

Even churches are feeling the impact as young Conservative Evangelicals can't quite stomach Trump like their parents can.

Come on Evan. Don't play stupid. You know that for the past fifty years democrats have enacted policy after policy that has once again enslaved blacks. This time their masters are the government and the democrat party. They have given them all the freebies in exchange for their vote. And sadly, the majority went right along with the scheme. LBJ reportedly said "I'll have these [blacks] voting democrat for the next two hundred years". Knowing what we do about LBJ I think the quote is quite likely his sentiments. The dems enrich a few of the national leaders (Jackson, Sharpton, Hooks, etc.) and the local NAACP so called reverends and it's their job to keep the masses in line. And it has worked pretty well for them for fifty years. I have said many times that at some point enough blacks are going to have an epiphany. I think that has begun over the past several years. Thus the sudden change in democrats from border security to open borders. They (dems) need a permanent underclass dependent on the Federal Government. A 10-15 % movement of blacks away from the democrat party means they are over as far as national elections are concerned. And Trump realizes this and is working to win them over.
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