We now have over 70,000 weather stations reporting real time to our cloud service at AmbientWeather.net, so we decided to share this data with the rest of the world.
Enter your location and view weather station data updated once a minute from your location, view graphs, and analyze data.
Create a free account, and you can customize your desktop, send email or text alerts based on local conditions, and access 5 minute resolution data. You do not need to own a weather station, but you can add one.
We will be building out map, radar, forecast and alert data, so stay tuned!

Enter your location and view weather station data updated once a minute from your location, view graphs, and analyze data.
Create a free account, and you can customize your desktop, send email or text alerts based on local conditions, and access 5 minute resolution data. You do not need to own a weather station, but you can add one.
We will be building out map, radar, forecast and alert data, so stay tuned!
