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Volcano thread


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Corvallis, Oregon
USGS made it the topic of this week's Volcano Watch. The whole post is interesting, but here's an excerpt:

The current increases in the number of earthquakes (particularly in the upper East Rift Zone) and rates of ground inflation are showing us that Kīlauea’s magma storage system is becoming primed for its next event. One potential outcome could be another significant intrusion—when magma moves into a new area within the volcano but fails to erupt on the surface—such as what occurred along the Southwest Rift Zone during late January/early February of this year. Another potential outcome could be another eruption, either inside or outside the caldera.


Sustaining Member
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Corvallis, Oregon
Mount Ibu is one of the many Indonesian volcanoes that erupts almost constantly with a low intensity. This time, though, it put a little more muscle into it than usual: :cool:

[FPMKI on X: "G. Ibu Teramati 2 kali letusan dengan tinggi 200-5000 m dan warna asap putih, kelabu, dan hitam. ● Teramati lontaran lava pijar diarah barat laut dan barat daya jarak lontaran 1.5 km dari pusat erupsi (pada erupsi pukul 09:12 WIT. https://t.co/5UtKsXLqAO" /

Twitter translation: "Mt. Ibu Observed 2 eruptions with a height of 200-5000 m and smoke colors of white, gray and black.● Observed ejection of incandescent lava in the northwest and southwest direction, distance 1.5 km from the eruption center (during the eruption at 09:12 WIT."


Sustaining Member
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Corvallis, Oregon
There are killer floods and landslides going on in parts of Indonesia -- just wanted to share this because the phrase "cold lava" seems popular in English-language online coverage that I have seen.

"Cold lava" is a rock, as one volcanologist I follow pointed out yesterday.

"Lahar" is an Indonesian word that Google translates as "cold lava" but that Indonesians and geoscientists use for an ash-water flooding event -- it can be the consistency of wet concrete but the particles drop out fairly quickly.

It can also be quite hot, if it has passed over fresh deposits.

This 2010 lahar at Merapi appears to be cool in temperature but sometimes they are steaming:

Here is one at a Colombian volcano in 2008; the video is in Spanish but it's worth a look because some geologists compare it to what Mount Rainier might do in its next collapse event. It occurred at night; the video at around 1:30 shows its peak. This was not an Armero-type tragedy -- they foresaw it and evacuated communities downstream.

Getting back to Indonesia, I believe "banjir" is a word for "flood," and a "banjir lahar" is a lahar with relatively low particle content that can still pack a wallop:

[FPMKI on X: "Korban meninggal dunia akibat Banjir Lahar dingin dan tanah longsor yang menerjang sejumlah daerah di Sumatra Barat tercatat 58 orang, sementara korban hilang bertambah dari 27 menjadi 35 orang dalam pencarian. https://t.co/HeupNR8FNR" /

Twitter translation: "The death toll from cold lava floods and landslides that hit a number of areas in West Sumatra was recorded as 58 people, while the number of missing victims increased from 27 to 35 people during the search."

That's just one island. I have read about tens of casualties in South Sulawesi, too.

The country has lots of volcanic ash lying around and recently experienced wildfires on volcano slopes. It's a lethal mix during the rainy season.

I wish journalists would use "lahar," though -- that's the term volcanologists use in outreach and it would help the public comprehend hazards better. Nobody except machine translators says "cold lava."


Sustaining Member
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Corvallis, Oregon
They've raised Mount Ibu to Level IV, which triggers evacuations, but I can't find much more info yet.

[INFOMITIGASI on X: "Terjadi erupsi G. Ibu pada hari Kamis, 16 Mei 2024, pukul 09:58 WIT. Tinggi kolom letusan teramati ± 5000 m di atas puncak (± 6325 m di atas permukaan laut). Kolom abu teramati berwarna kelabu dengan intensitas tebal ke arah utara dan timur laut. https://t.co/sOLcfMgCTP" /

This is the current image on the official app, but the tweet info might be old. The app update is in Indonesian and there's a translation problem again, but per the current VONA, plume height exceeds 20,000 feet.

Here's some Australian news from a few hours ago.


Sustaining Member
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Corvallis, Oregon
"Mother" -- the meaning of Indonesian "Ibu" -- had a big one last night, per Reuters. It's hard to find video, but necessary because of the language barrier. There is this:

Here's a background post I did on it in 2022. As mentioned, Mount Ibu erupts a lot but at a lower intensity most of the time.


Sustaining Member
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Corvallis, Oregon
Ibu is not done yet. Per this Blue Sky post via Google Translate (see photo):

Mount Ibu eruption on Monday, May 20 2024, at 11:36 WIT. The height of the eruption column was observed to be ± 5000 m above the peak (± 6325 m above sea level). The ash column was observed to be gray with thick intensity towards the southwest and west.
