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Severe Weather 2024


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Jasper, AL
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  1. SKYWARN® Volunteer
A 11-12 year old with a decent background in weather enthusiasm with a cheap radar app could have done a better job for once and that's really saying something lol

Noticed 68mph wind gust at Tuscaloosa Airport earlier, quite vigorous storms we have scattered around. More than three drops of rain would be nice


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A 11-12 year old with a decent background in weather enthusiasm with a cheap radar app could have done a better job for once and that's really saying something lol

Noticed 68mph wind gust at Tuscaloosa Airport earlier, quite vigorous storms we have scattered around. More than three drops of rain would be nice
Careful what you wish for. Almost nightly rains here coupled with triple digit temps and 70 dews have swamp money maker season in full swing :mad:


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Wichita Falls
Yep, seeing people using the old and tired "and where's your meteorology degree?" excuse to defend the indefensible.

A forecast that doesn't quite pan out is one thing, but missing an obvious tornado and failing to issue a real time warning for it is another altogether. You don't need a meteorology degree to recognize a significant tornado on radar, and it's not like the NWS didn't have ground truth.

With that said, I wouldn't go as far as to say people need to be fired or hounding them with ALL CAPS CURSE WORDS. Such behavior only further serves to entrench the "lol weather weenies" mindset that the general public has.
I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again, the “I’m smarter than you, therefore, your opinion is invalid” mentality that is apparent in a lot of the minds of these experts creates a bad precedent.

This goes beyond just meteorology, but taken in constructive criticism from enthusiasts and even the layman isn’t a bad thing.

The biggest trust producer between government and civilian bodies is transparency. Scientists that can’t take criticism is no true scientist.

As for the civilian side, it’s extremely important to be well spoken in criticizing government bodies. Because it’s as you said @TH2002, mindless drivel will only lead to public opinion being taken unseriously.


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Macland, Georgia
I'll take a hardcore soaking that trails off into the night before the sun has a chance to turn things into Brazil, watering the garden lately has been nearly impossible because the ground is so dry the hose just isn't cutting it
Yeah, our neighbors' grasses are crying out in horror at the sun the last several days by the looks of them.


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Pickens SC
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  1. SKYWARN® Volunteer
I’m quite surprised by the amount of meteorologist defending them saying the same old tired “YoU tRy dOInG ThEiR jOB” argument.

And while the majority of the time I can understand that response, it simply won’t fly in this case.

It doesn’t take a quantum physicist to point out a major mishap occurred, and needs to be addressed and criticized.

Of course, there’s a difference between criticism and blatant internet rioting. Although this is wxtwitter we’re talking about so it’s no surprise the latter is occurring, which helps utterly nothing.
To each of those "professional" defenders, I'd send the radar images and ask "What do you see here?" and note how long a tornado was clearly indicated there. As well as reports on social media if that office monitors that like mine does. It's not like they had other clearly more important things to be paying attention to. Nor is it like arguing about survey results. My radar-reading skills are marginal (which is why I don't comment on posts about them here) but even I can clearly see the tornado and I've got enough common sense to believe it when several apparently reasonable people report it as TOG to at least make it a priority to confirm or deny what they're saying. The most important aspect of the NWS lies in protecting the public from WX events as best as is possible. Rarely do they fail this badly.

I'm sure they're getting crucified on social media. That's today's "Vox populi" and it's chock full of idiots as well as some intelligent people. They deserve that given the gross magnitude of this mistake. They even deserve the attacks from other electronic and internet forms. This is indefensible, and those "professionals" who try to defend it are showing that they are no better than the twitter denizens they're bashing. This NWS staff wasn't overwhelmed; they were either mismanaged or incompetent or perhaps both. Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it- and boy did they ask for it si let them have it. Maybe it will teach them but honestly I doubt it.

I remember being in the 2020 "Easter outbreak" here where there were so many possible tornadoes rapidly developing that nobody could keep up with things. I forgive them for missing the one which came over me and dropped about 1/4 mile away momentarily. I can even understand them missing that momentary incident in their survey because the witnesses I spoke to didn't report it, and it only broke off or felled maybe 8- 10 trees next to the highway. It didn't even last long enough to show on one radar scan as having much potential. Yes, I'm one of those who bash about surveys I feel have been mis-rated but I ran the Ham Skywarn here for some time, and I have seen their office and what they do during storms as well as with forecasting. It can be a very demanding job and small things can be easily missed, but they're not supposed to miss the big obvious things. That's part of their job and when they fail in that part they need to feel their mistake deeply. I'm not on any 'social media' so I'm not part of that but I will stand with and behind them this time- I can see no other logical thing to do because silence would simply be supporting the wrong people and inviting this kind of thing to happen again.

So there's my $0.02 worth on the whole mess. No refunds offered.


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Pickens SC
Special Affiliations
  1. SKYWARN® Volunteer
You either want big time heavy rain with clouds for the afternoon or the lightest showers possible because anything else and you just get the dreaded Amazon Jungle experience.
There can be no doubt that you've experienced our lovely Southern summers. May you get enough rain to actually cool things off for the rest of the day :cool:


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To each of those "professional" defenders, I'd send the radar images and ask "What do you see here?" and note how long a tornado was clearly indicated there. As well as reports on social media if that office monitors that like mine does.
They've gone into pure cope mode.
"There was an outage!"
If there was, it didn't affect the warning systems. They were still issuing severe thunderstorm warnings for a bit, including as the Whitman tornado was ongoing, and were issuing severe weather statements for the severe thunderstorms/MCS with 80mph+ indicated winds. That's not an outage; they were fully capable of sending out warnings and issuing them.
"Radar imagery isn't everything, they need ground proof too!"
The sheriff reported a tornado well before any warning was issued, as well as several images with location and time provided. They did not do anything until a whole different NWS office made them aware of the tornado. Plus, they don't need ground proof or photo evidence; that's literally the point of radar-indicated and radar-confirmed warnings.
"Their job is hard, and they were stressed!"
Their job is hard, but this task wasn't hard. It's not a valid excuse for a doctor or a firefighter to say they were stressed in response to them straight up neglecting their basic duties.
Once you break down those arguments that they have, they either resort to name calling or just blocking. I can't understand how people can defend these actions anymore. It's pure cognitive dissonance.


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Ackerman, MS
Special Affiliations
  1. SKYWARN® Volunteer
Sorry for starting a fuss with my comment from ealier this morning, but just want everyone to be aware of what you post on social media. Unfortunately we live in time where it can come back and haunt you.


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The fact they immediately coordinated with Omaha to issue the first warning makes me think there was something more complex with what was happening at North Platte. We'll just have to wait for an investigation I feel.