My opinion matters much less, since I'm going to sit this one out, but as long as I'm here -- and just for a bit of "equal time" -- the world won't end if Harris gets in.I detest Trump and have never voted for him, but I might this time around out of spite. It's not like my vote in Alabama matters anyway.
She might. <rant> I can't be the only one to realize, after that tragic shooting in Butler, that I cared about Trump but only for the younger version of the man who has been in the news most of my life.
The goof, that is, not Mr. "Hail to the Chief" (which of course the goof liked).
In 2016, while voting for Johnson, I figured Trump could, as a business CEO, handle the Oval Office, and he did, but then things went downhill. He didn't want the job in 2020; if he had, he could have turned Oregon "red" because most of the state is that -- a little attention could have mobilized the 20% that didn't vote and I think that would have swung it.
Oregon's progressive reputation is earned but it is not nearly as unanimously progressive as the media would have us believe. I checked it out before coming here in 2014 and it seemed to be instead a healthy "for every action, there is a reaction" kind of place, and what I've seen in the last ten years confirms that (though personally I wish there were more reaction to Portland-area and Salem excesses and occasional just wrong thinking, instead of self-defeating moves like "let's secede and join Idaho" -- face-palm from West Virginia on that ).
Trump 2020 could have won Oregon IMHO and that blue->red conversion would have had a national impact.
But no, he just uttered a few trite "Portland/anarchist" quotes to the media and carried on touring the rest of the country.
He didn't really want it, I suspect.
So there's why I'm sitting this one out: I like Trump as a celebrity but could not be happy with him ever again as president.
Which leaves Harris -- the VP who refused to do her constitutional duty.
But if she gets in, that just continues the four years of incompetence that the Democrats have already demonstrated to the world.
That probably depresses dyed-in-the-wool Democrat rank and file as much as the Buchananites and "seizing defeat from the jaws of victory" habit frustrates R&F Republicans and many of us independents.
In 2028 the backstage puppeteers and power-trippers will have far fewer oldsters to exploit.
When they start pulling their shenanigans among people their own age, I suspect national politics will get interesting again. </rant>