Casuarina Head
Now that the recent +PDO trend since 2013 seems to be reversing itself, given -ENSO/-PMM in place as well, one may reasonably ask whether the background state will begin to favour large-scale outbreaks with multiple long-tracked supercells each producing one or more EF4+ tornadoes. By “active severe cycle,” I am referring to a period with outbreaks like those of 21–22 March 1932, 11–12 April 1965 (Palm Sunday II), 3–4 April 1974 (first Super Outbreak), 26 April 1991, 3 May 1999, 5–6 February 2008 (Super Tuesday), 27–28 April 2011 (second Super Outbreak), 24 May 2011, 27–28 April 2014, and so on. We have certainly seen significant events since 2014, but these have mostly been confined to localised, isolated, outstanding supercells that produce a violent tornado or two, rather than multiple, long-lived, violent families.