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Severe Weather Threat - May 6, 2024

Fred Gossage

PerryW Project Supporter
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Florence, AL
I have to disagree here. If nothing major tornado wise happens in the coming hours, it was objectively the wrong call.

It is painfully obvious why they went HIGH, and I think me and about everywhere else here would’ve done the same. It’ll be an interesting case study barring some storms going off after dark.
Yep, exactly to all of this, and it's a fine line and slippery slope to try to navigate. This is where statistical verification vs. risk justification comes into play. And that then leaves it open to how a person is interpreting what is "right"... the objective verification or the moral and risk-based justification? It's a massively slippery slope because of how the High Risk is the top-tier warning shot that the SPC has at the forecast level, especially in a social climate these days where a large percentage of the population (not just a vocal minority anymore) bend over backwards to shun anything that is deemed as "official" or things associated with government and media entities. They already scour the earth looking for the lamest excuses to not believe us about the most trivial things as is, much less when the strongest forecast alarm we have to sound is sounded, and then it ends up not verifying. But at the same time, as we've discussed in here already, it would've been an even bigger failure in the eyes of the skeptics and constant naysayers if a High Risk wouldn't have been outlined and then we end up with multiple violent tornadoes in that populated I-35 corridor.