This caught my eye -- they don't usually talk like this, so the event may be imminent. Barry Arm fjord is,long ago in geologic history
Basically, a very steep cliff may collapse in Barry Arm Fjord and
Basically, a very steep cliff may collapse in Barry Arm Fjord and
. . . generate a tsunami that could have devastating local effects on those who live, work, and recreate in and around Whittier and in northern Prince William Sound.
Initial research indicates that other communities and infrastructure in Prince William Sound may also be at risk of a measureable tsunami and dangerous currents, including Valdez, Cordova, Tatitlek and Chenega.
At this time, there is no way to know when, if, or how much of the slope may fall into the water. Because of this challenge, State of Alaska and Federal science and emergency management teams are developing tools to provide monitoring and alerting capability for a reliable early-warning and rapid-detection system for the potential risk from a Barry Arm landslide and tsunami.