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My issue with Trump and voter fraud claims


"Bill, I'm talkin' imminent rueage"
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Fayetteville, AR
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Besides the fact that his own lawyers have argued in cases against voter recount that there were no signs of voter fraud, I have a bad feeling about how he keeps claiming there was "massive voter fraud". The issue could come in 4 years when the US goes back to the ballot box. Could he claim that the process is rigged and not secure and issue a mandate that the election process be halted until it is secured to his standards thus extending his presidency?

Your thoughts?


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PerryW Project Supporter
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Huntsville, AL
I think the voter fraud thing is a pretty absurd accusation, but I'm not worried about him extending his presidency by using it as an excuse in 2020. To take that sort of action I imagine he'd have to declare marshal law, and with the legislative and judicial branches being the way they are, I don't think they'd support that at all.


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When I worked in politics, voter fraud was a real concern on all levels. I have no idea why Trump is harping on this. I did read that maybe someone did find a large amount of fraud, but, I would just wait this out till untill soild evidence comes out.


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McCalla, AL
I find it extremely interesting that certain posters on this forum are not condemning Trump for these kinds of statements. Remember the hissy fits they used to throw demanding Obama supporters and everyone else "condemn" some statement that Obama made or action that he performed that was "beyond the pale," "treasonous," or otherwise detestable to them???

What is Trump's source for his claim? What made him originally claim that millions of illegal votes were cast? Most rational and unbiased people immediately realize that it is because of his fragile ego. He can't stand that he lost the popular vote. Anyone who has paid even marginal attention to politics realizes he lost New York and California by a similar margin that GOP candidates normally lose by.

But what is Trump's data source? Would you believe it is a random guy on Twitter? He even refers to himself as an average guy and remarked that "isn't everything on Twitter fake?" when questioned about his tweet. That's right -- the President of the United States is directly alleging voter fraud that undermines our entire democracy on the basis of this random guy's tweet.

What did the tweet even say? What evidence does that person have? Well, the tweet made a pretty concrete claim that they had verified more than 3 million votes by non-citizens. This occured before the end of November which is pretty amazing if you consider how much time such an analysis would take. The Twitter user was contacted and told the media that his tweet was simply what he thinks he will be able to prove once he is able to analyze a 50 state database of voter information.

That's right. It was just a statement of opinion by a random guy. No different than a random poster here alleging voter fraud and throwing out a random number. But how do I know that's Trump's source? Because he tweeted about it this morning.

Link about Twitter user:

Trump's Tweet acknowledging a random Twitter user is a source he is using to call for a taxpayer funded investigation of voter fraud:

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I find it extremely interesting that certain posters on this forum are not condemning Trump for these kinds of statements. Remember the hissy fits they used to throw demanding Obama supporters and everyone else "condemn" some statement that Obama made or action that he performed that was "beyond the pale," "treasonous," or otherwise detestable to them???

What is Trump's source for claim? What made him originally claim that millions of illegal votes were cast? Most rational and unbiased people immediately realize that it is because of his fragile ego. He can't stand that he lost the popular vote. Anyone who has paid even marginal attention to politics realizes he lost New York and California by a similar margin that GOP candidates normally lose by.

But what is Trump's data source? Would you believe it is a random guy on Twitter? He even refers to himself as an average guy and remarked that "isn't everything on Twitter fake?" when questioned about his tweet. That's right -- the President of the United States is directly alleging voter fraud that undermines our entire democracy on the basis of this random guy's tweet.

What did the tweet even say? What evidence does that person have? Well, the tweet made a pretty concrete claim that they had verified more than 3 million votes by non-citizens. This occured before the end of November which is pretty amazing if you consider how much time such an analysis would take. The Twitter user was contacted and told the media that his tweet was simply what he thinks he will be able to prove once he is able to analyze a 50 state database of voter information.

That's right. It was just a statement of opinion by a random guy. No different than a random poster here alleging voter fraud and throwing out a random number. But how do I know that's Trump's source? Because he tweeted about it this morning.

Link about Twitter user:

Trump's Tweet acknowledging a random Twitter user is a source he is using to call for a taxpayer funded investigation of voter fraud:

How dare you try to use logic and facts against Trump and his supporters.
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Adel, Ga
There are claims on both sides of mishaps in the election whether it was hacked or there was voter fraud and who knows both claims could be true. They need to start NOW on working on a way to improve election 2020