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Let's (attempt to) learn languages together.


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California, United States
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Here it is, a thread for us to practice our lingual skills. This thread will mostly consist of me (and possibly others) embarrassing ourselves, but serious help from our international friends is welcome.

I guess I'll start:

Hallo, TalkWeather. Mein hobby ist lernen uber unwetter. Ich spreche auf Deutsch? Mir haben ein problem, mein Deutsch ist schlecht.

-Дмитрий, вы видели об торнадо в Московской области вчера?
Что? Вчера не торнадо было.
-Я имел в виду, смерч в 1904 года.
Почему ты сказал «вчера»?
-Потому что, мой Русский отстой.


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I studied Latin for about 3 years and as of today couldn't put together a grammatically coherent sentence in it if I tried, but it serves as a great gateway for the other Romance languages, and managed to get me interested in Polish, Russian and Ukrainian, and the occasional dabble in Spanish and French. I sure wish there was a magic button to learn languages, though. It's simultaneously exciting (from a linguistic perspective) and depressing (from my small brain's perspective) seeing how many languages are out there.

Привет. Меня зовут Клэнси. Мне нравится сыр, стейк и рис (я болшой любить рис). Я не знаю много словы ну я пытаюсь. Мой любимый цвет это синиый, желтый и зелений. Мой русский не очень хорошой, явно. Испанский намного проще для меня. Очень уважать к билингвы!

Pączki. Kocham pączki. To wszystko co wiem. Też koty. Koty są fajny.


Sustaining Member
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California, United States
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  1. SKYWARN® Volunteer
I studied Latin for about 3 years and as of today couldn't put together a grammatically coherent sentence in it if I tried, but it serves as a great gateway for the other Romance languages, and managed to get me interested in Polish, Russian and Ukrainian, and the occasional dabble in Spanish and French. I sure wish there was a magic button to learn languages, though. It's simultaneously exciting (from a linguistic perspective) and depressing (from my small brain's perspective) seeing how many languages are out there.

Привет. Меня зовут Клэнси. Мне нравится сыр, стейк и рис (я болшой любить рис). Я не знаю много словы ну я пытаюсь. Мой любимый цвет это синиый, желтый и зелений. Мой русский не очень хорошой, явно. Испанский намного проще для меня. Очень уважать к билингвы!

Pączki. Kocham pączki. To wszystko co wiem. Też koty. Koty są fajny.
Funny enough, I have a buddy from Poland and we still send emails to each other once in a blue moon. When we were chatting more regularly he tried to introduce me to Polish, though it never really caught on. Might start making a more serious effort now...

When I first started learning Russian I used Duolingo, which was great until they introduced the stupid crown system (I never forgave them for that, and pretty much just lost interest in Duolingo from that point). Subsequently, I also lost interest in learning the language as it started to feel more like a chore than a hobby. I'm rustier with Russian now but I'm working at it again and it's coming back to me...


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Funny enough, I have a buddy from Poland and we still send emails to each other once in a blue moon. When we were chatting more regularly he tried to introduce me to Polish, though it never really caught on. Might start making a more serious effort now...

When I first started learning Russian I used Duolingo, which was great until they introduced the stupid crown system (I never forgave them for that, and pretty much just lost interest in Duolingo from that point). Subsequently, I also lost interest in learning the language as it started to feel more like a chore than a hobby. I'm rustier with Russian now but I'm working at it again and it's coming back to me...
Polish is said to be very difficult because of things like declension and conjugations, but one huge plus is the Latin-based alphabet. Even having spent a long time reading Cyrillic, I still read it way slower than I do Latin alphabets like those of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, etc., so having a new language in a format you are at least semi-familiar with can really help. That said, I've yet to really dig into the grammar, and in the past only really studied vocabulary, but it's a cool language and has a very unique sound unlike most of the other Slavic languages.


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Corvallis, Oregon
Using Google Translate is cheating, isn't it. Sigh. Okay, although I took a couple semesters of Русский fifty-some years ago, all that's left is a little familiarity with Cyrillic letters.

Entonces, ¡Ola, Talkweather! Puedo leer y hablar español pero solo un pocissimo. ¡Ojala que aprende mas con tiempo!