This is the Blanco transform fault way out to sea, not the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Two completely separate geologic features.
It caused no harm, no tsunami. The movements are strike-slip (in a more-or-less horizontal plane) so tsunamis aren't a problem like they are on a thrust fault. The seafloor geology is a little complex here; I think Blanco is in between two micro-plates, which are coming apart here, and that's why it's so active.
They've been saying Blanco could have a 6.5 to 7.0 soon, and that one this morning was pretty close. We felt nothing here -- just happened to read about it in the news. Wonder if that was it, or if something bigger is on the way (again, it's waaay out to sea and so mostly just of scientific interest).
The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network has a nice website, if anyone's interested in this region's seismicity.
It caused no harm, no tsunami. The movements are strike-slip (in a more-or-less horizontal plane) so tsunamis aren't a problem like they are on a thrust fault. The seafloor geology is a little complex here; I think Blanco is in between two micro-plates, which are coming apart here, and that's why it's so active.
They've been saying Blanco could have a 6.5 to 7.0 soon, and that one this morning was pretty close. We felt nothing here -- just happened to read about it in the news. Wonder if that was it, or if something bigger is on the way (again, it's waaay out to sea and so mostly just of scientific interest).
The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network has a nice website, if anyone's interested in this region's seismicity.