Can anyone think of another situation in which a settlement, town, or city got impacted by multiple (E)F5s on the same day? As far as I know only Tanner holds the distinction. To me this is one of the most astonishing statistics in relation to the 1974 Super Outbreak.
They're not officially F5s, but didn't some communities in northwest Indiana and southern Lower Michigan get hit by two violent tornadoes during Palm Sunday 1965? That's the only other possible instance I can think of, although other outbreaks have impacted the same community with (E)F3+ in the same day (May 3, 1999 - Mulhall, OK F4 followed by Crescent-Mulhall area F3; April 27, 2011 Cordova, AL morning and afternoon). The (E)F5 rating is so rarely achieved in the first place it's a near impossibility, so the fact that it occurred at all is a testament to how exceptional the Super Outbreak was.