Not that he has much of one at this point anyway (especially after the ERA farce a few days ago), but Biden torched whatever tiny vestiges of a legacy he had with those last minute pardons. Disgraceful.
When's the last time we had a President that cared about the Constitution and our system of laws?
Thankfully, Trump had time to launch some meme coins before he assumed the mantle of unbridled authority and immunity. Are there people out there who seriously believe these two guys are the best we've got? Or, that either of these parties stand for anything other than power and self-enrichment? The rank corruption and grifting going on in both parties is nauseating.
When's the last time we had a President that cared about the Constitution and our system of laws?
Thankfully, Trump had time to launch some meme coins before he assumed the mantle of unbridled authority and immunity. Are there people out there who seriously believe these two guys are the best we've got? Or, that either of these parties stand for anything other than power and self-enrichment? The rank corruption and grifting going on in both parties is nauseating.