Archive 2017-2019 Political Thread

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Mike S

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Meridianville, Al
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Repeat after me: Russia is our number one enemy.

The 1980s called and wants its foreign policy back. I know this because Obama told me


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
This twitter author is what a fascist looks like. YOU. CAN. NOT. SILENCE. OPINIONS. YOU. DON'T. LIKE. End of story. I loathe CNN, Salon, Huff Post, etc., but they have a right to their dishrag publications no matter how incredibly terrible they are.



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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
I can remember back to a time when Christians and conservatives let their principles drive their politics... now in the age of Trump, it has totally flip-flopped
This is nothing new. David Duke got evangelical support out the wazoo in the 90s Louisiana election. Trump has just normalized degraded morals and values. There is still an ongoing identity crisis within the party. Same goes for democrats...the party of Pelosi/Schumer or are they the party of young and upcoming Dems? I don’t know. I don’t think either party represents true American values anymore.


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It's not wrong when Obama does it!

Can we all just admit that this is where we are as a society? It's not wrong if (insert politician I like) does it, or even if it is wrong (insert politician that I don't like) did something similar.

It's like:

Live babies in cages = bad
Dead babies in buckets = good

Live babies in cages = good
Dead babies in buckets = bad

Executive orders = bad when your guy is doing it

Executive orders = good when my guy is doing it

One of the primary reasons for this is because our society has lost our moral compass. God is no longer revered or feared by most people.

It's all relative where God is concerned. There is no objective truth. That's the plot line in contemporary society. It's all relative. You get to be the pope of your own church -- the creator of your own world -- the maker of your own rules. And in so doing, a world is created where dead babies in buckets is good because it means that a woman got to 'choose' what she wanted to do with her body -- only that isn't her body in that bucket, is it? The minute we devalue the life of an unborn child is the minute we devalue life in all its stages. It becomes relative thereafter because we've made it easier to justify dehumanizing human beings -- whether they are in the womb or coming across the border. We no longer fear God because we have made ourselves Gods by deciding who lives and who dies by who is worthy of living and who isn't. And people are truly surprised that a society as great as ours, a society whose Lady Liberty says 'Bring me your tired, your poor, and your huddled masses' can strip a child from his mother who is seeking asylum for the sole purpose of forcing the hand of the opposing party -- in other words, to use the child as a political weapon. And I say -- why is anyone surprised? We lost our moral footing a long damn time ago. We've been sliding down this slippery slope and using children as political weapons for decades. This is what happens when you pretend the ends justify the means. Everyone else will use the same approach. We witness it every day in one form or another. And at the end of the day, whether anyone believe it or not, this is true....a cold hard objective truth... If life isn't sacred in the womb, then life isn't sacred. Because that is where it all begins. The fact that PP had the audacity to even speak on this matter is infuriating. But it also should bring to light the evil that slithers through this country like the serpent it is. But few will make the correlation, blinded they are with no moral compass to guide them. Because, as we know, it's all relative.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Never did I think I'd 100% agree with an NBC opinion article. That second quote on.

Sensible gun owners have difficulty listening to liberals' policy arguments when they don't know the difference between a clip and a magazine.

Pro-gun people ask why they should listen too hard about sensible gun reform — like fixing the abysmal background check system and criminal gun tracing, actually allowing meaningful research into gun violence — when not only are basic terms misused by gun reform advocates, but general facts about firearms are glossed over in favor of fear of the unfamiliar. The number of school shooting victims has gone down since the last 20 years; handguns, not “assault rifles” are the weapon used most often in firearm-related murders; the majority of gun deaths are suicides.

For someone trying make a larger point about gun violence, gunsplaining can be infuriating but, for someone with a passing familiarity with guns, the audacity of a liberal trying to make a larger, sweeping point without knowing some of the basic concepts or having any hands-on appreciation can be equally so.


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Your argument based on that has already been refuted. Let it go.

What was your original post referencing?

Perhaps in your brain. But children were kept in chain link fencing while Obama was president. I know he is your hero but try to accept that fact.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
You should have the right to refuse service to anybody for any reason. Otherwise, government forced service requiring the labors of another person (who hasn’t taken an oath to uphold a duty) is called slavery. End of story.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama

American politics is headed down a slippery slope. How long can this go on for until something REALLY bad happens? I mean, just a year ago we had a radical Bernie supporter walk onto a baseball field and attempt to slaughter several Congressmen. I'd certainly have the means to protect my life if I were a public official (I do and I'm a private citizen). And no, I'm not talking about Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. I couldn't care less. I'm talking about Maxine Waters ACTIVELY endorsing physical violence from a mob in PUBLIC spaces. A mob of folks surrounding the houses and cars of elected officials, their staffs, and families harrassing and "pushing back"...I'd certainly take that as a threat. And what exactly is pushing back? Does that mean by any means necessary to end this "evil?"


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American politics is headed down a slippery slope. How long can this go on for until something REALLY bad happens? I mean, just a year ago we had a radical Bernie supporter walk onto a baseball field and attempt to slaughter several Congressmen. I'd certainly have the means to protect my life if I were a public official (I do and I'm a private citizen). And no, I'm not talking about Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. I couldn't care less. I'm talking about Maxine Waters ACTIVELY endorsing physical violence from a mob in PUBLIC spaces. A mob of folks surrounding the houses and cars of elected officials, their staffs, and families harrassing and "pushing back"...I'd certainly take that as a threat. And what exactly is pushing back? Does that mean by any means necessary to end this "evil?"

Yup. It’s just not the way to get things done. If you want to loudly protest, get a permit and do it in an organized fashion. I don’t want anybody hollering in the restaurant while my wife and I are on our first date in four months.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Yup. It’s just not the way to get things done. If you want to loudly protest, get a permit and do it in an organized fashion. I don’t want anybody hollering in the restaurant while my wife and I are on our first date in four months.
Your most powerful action against politicians you don't like is voting. There are few if any protests that garner my sympathy enough to actually change my stance (but it gets get me to at least see their viewpoint). I'm sure this goes for a lot of other folks as well. BLM (a few of their protests devolved into outright riots), Dakota Access Pipeline, Occupy Wall Street, March for Our Lives, Women's March, etc. are all protests that haven't made much of an impact on my worldview...mainly due to the approach but even the fundamentals of the movement. And yes, this is coming from someone who has participated in the March for Life, which receives VERY little media attention year in and year out, despite drawing tens to hundreds of thousands. I never went into it thinking it would radically change America, but if it gets just a few people thinking...then I think it has accomplished some of its goals.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
The recent Gallup survey found the percentages of Americans who identify as “pro-life” and “pro-choice” tied at 48 percent each. This is consistent with the last several years of Gallup polling, which has shown a relative stalemate in public opinion. Between 1995 and 2008, “pro-choice” outpolled “pro-life” 18 consecutive times, but since May 2009, six Gallup polls have found a “pro-life” plurality and six found a “pro-choice” plurality, along with two ties.

These Gallup data show that the U.S. regime of abortion-on-demand, throughout all nine months of pregnancy, is inconsistent with the attitudes of most Americans. Strong majorities, across a wide range of demographic groups, oppose both second- and third-trimester abortions, and abortion-on-demand does not even have majority support during the first trimester. Over the past 25 years, the pro-life movement has made significant progress in passing a variety of state-level laws to limit late-term abortions. These new polling results should encourage them to keep up the fight.
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