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Archive 2017-2019 Political Thread

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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Better than the idiot who committed a felony on video by cutting the barrel on his AR, thus making it a SBR. It's still functional :rolleyes:

Got some really dumb folks out there.


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McCalla, AL
The more I read from people that have actually been shot in combat situations and killed people in combat the more I become against the idea of arming teachers. I've obviously never seen combat. Thankfully, I've only had a gun pointed at me in a hostile manner twice in my life (once by a robber and once by a police officer).

I'm far from being a firearms expert or having hundreds of hours of training. I've only once experienced live gunfire that was in an uncontrolled situation. Although I am the type to run towards danger than from it, I have to believe that I would largely be useless against an active shooter if I were a teacher in a school. Unless we provide hundreds of hours of training at huge expense, the answer seems to be that we add police and/or highly trained individuals.

Self-defense of yourself, or your family against a bad guy trying to rob you, or in a home invasion, is quite different than a situation involving hundreds of panicking students. Look at the Dallas shooting not that long ago of police officers. Outside of Sutherland Springs, it is rare that a civilian (and this guy had a decent amount of training) can stop a mass shooting underway without ending up a victim themselves or hindering the response of first responders.

Frequently, even the first responders end up dead or wounded. But, this is what we are supposed to do with ideas. Discuss them. Debate them. Think about them. Chew them over and look at the bad and the good. I'm also against TSA style security in schools. It's would be a disproportionate boondoggle of epic proportions. As I've read more and more by experts that have studied mass shootings, prevention efforts before a shooter starts their attack seems to be the real key. More than any gun control or other armed defensive force.

Interesting piece:



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McCalla, AL
The Broward County Sheriff is really starting to piss me off. Everything is someone else's fault even when his department is to blame. He's not a leader. That's not how leaders lead.

He knew his deputy didn't go in and was hiding outside. That's why he's embracing gun control and attacking the NRA. What do you expect from someone whose campaign was run by Roger Stone? What a sniveling coward.

Armed Sheriff’s Deputy ‘Never Went In’ During Florida Shooting https://nyti.ms/2sPTOT3


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Not even Marco Rubio deserved what they did to him last night. Amazing how Rubio and Loesch are murderers for simply disagreeing with the politics of a total gun ban. This also means that's what they think about gun owners in general. We are murderers for believing in the 2nd amendment. It's hard for them not to visualize us mowing down their classmates. Unless, of course, we now agree with their politics.


Couple of points...

1. CNN is gone. You can't come back from that townhall. They have been functioning as a liberal advocacy group they are so far in the tank for gun grabbers.

2. I've lost a ton of respect for Jake Tapper. I think he was terrified to say anything that would have been deemed as less than 100% supportive of the Parkland kids. No call for civility or avoiding smears. This is why this entire exercise of letting these children take over the debate is so dangerous. It's Mothers Against Drunk Driving asking why you let their child die.

3. Now it's verifiable that they are not discussing or debating "sensible" gun control in good faith. Nothing less than banning all semi-automatic weapons will be accepted (almost all guns). If you oppose them you are a murderer. Or they question your skills as a mother. The Broward Sheriff showed his true colors last night. I'm not a fan of Dana Loesch, but it's one thing when kids are the ones making the vile, emotionally charged arguments. It's a totally different thing when it's an adult that should know better.

I mentioned this yesterday, but I truly feel like you cannot negotiate with people acting this way. Their only goal is to attack you and your politics while hiding behind their victim status. Sure, Rubio and Loesch chose this life and have been given a lot of power and money in return, but the smears they were hit with last night were totally disgusting. As the blog I posted mentions, these were not off-the-cuff comments in the heat of a raw, emotional tirade. These were planned remarks.

I believe these tactics will backfire. This kind of incendiary rhetoric and threats against our constitutional rights will not play well to the silent majority. It has caused me to: 1. Start defending and backing little Marco again. 2. Get my donation ready to re-join the NRA (had a one year membership years ago for free because of a firearm I purchased). 3. Going from unwilling to back a single GOP candidate in the next several elections to being unwilling to vote for anyone that isn't 100% pro-gun and 100% anti-abortion.

4. I'm putting this down here separately, as it will shock people. If Trump backs our 2nd amendment rights, and refuses any gun control, (because the other side isn't acting in good faith) then he will not only have my general election vote in 2020, but I'll become a supporter. I'll still dislike and mistrust him, and I won't overlook his immorality or flaws, but I'll be a lot more open to him. I still hope he gets successfully primaries by a solid Conservative Republican, but I'll no longer sit 2020 out if he's the nominee. A lot of people angry at the GOP and Trump are coming to the same conclusion as I am. The Democrats may end up blowing a +20 generic ballot lead because they decided to let this kind of rhetoric be the face of their efforts for "sensible" gun control. May end up being a spectacular own goal.

I've been telling Mike for a while that CNN has lost their marbles. They've seriously gone off the deep end. And every day gets worse and worse. They aren't even trying to hide their leftist agenda any more. They are so in-your-face with it that it would be laughable if people didn't actually pretend they were still a serious news organization.

As far as what happened with the townhall last night...I only watched a piece of it. The part with the sheriff and Loesch. The sheriff was a coward looking for applause rather than taking responsibility for the role his department had in failing to do its job. At least the FBI took the blame for their failure and apologized. This sheriff wasn't interested in looking inward to find whatever weaknesses they have and vow to do better. He wanted to beat his chest and point his finger at the NRA. As long as people like him are in charge, expect little in the way of real change.

As far as calling anyone who disagrees with you a murderer... it pisses me off. They say they want their politicians to show up, talk, and listen. No one there last night was interested in any of that. They wanted to scream and yell and insult. And then wonder why rational, civil discourse can't be had. Yes, it will backfire. There is a time to be heard. And then there is a time to listen. But there is never a time to call a senator a murderer simply because you disagree with him on the 2nd Amendment. What went on last night was not progress. It was a disgrace to civil discourse.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
I would consider the right to own a gun a liberty. And I would consider my creator God.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.


PerryW Project Supporter
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I would consider the right to own a gun a liberty. And I would consider my creator God.
The NRA president is going completely wacko with this comment... as someone who tries to be a disciple of Jesus, this is more than wacko, this is purely blasphemous.

Of course there will be an element of his base that has blurred the lines between God, church, patriotism, Christianity, guns, and the Bible that will completely believe this and eat this up. Can you imagine Jesus saying in His sermon on the mount... "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. And blessed are the Americans for my Father will shower them with guns for it is their birthright"


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
The tolerant left who wants to take away average citizens civil liberties. This is what we're working with in America.



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McCalla, AL
The NRA is going over the edge with this...

This is a very basic summary of what the Founding Fathers said. Rights are bestowed by the Creator and not by man. I'm confused at how you haven't heard this before. And, yes, the NRA is trash but what's new?


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McCalla, AL
You should see the tweets/FB posts by his Dad. Accusing Rubio of being gay. Linking to a fake news site accusing Rubio of engaging a BDSM dominatrix. Multiple Facebook posts with racist slurs and racist comments against Asians. Old anti-NRA posts. Facebook posts sharing anti-gun memes from Everytown for Gun Control back in 2016. Dozens of posts mocking Christians and saying anyone who believes in God is an idiot. Other gay bashing posts. Also, he actually has a strange respect for the anthem and hates Kaepernick until he became a leftist hero. He made a non-sarcastic post saying he hopes Ben Roethlisberger rapes Colin Kaepernick.

He also threatened Rubio better not show up to Parkland for the townhall, and asked how much bail money would be. Very angry and disgusting man. I have screenshots of it all and will post it tomorrow. I found most of them first before anyone had seen them so he didn't have time to delete.

What did we expect? Typical SJW BS. Do as I say not as I do. It's not racist, homophobic, or disrespectful of religion when I do it. Rape and Asian jokes are funny. Violent threats are just knee-slappers, but the NRA has blood-covered hands for disagreeing with me about a Constitutional Right.

The apple, apparently, doesn't fall from the tree. Wouldn't it have been just HILARIOUS if people shot themselves at the NRA headquarters? I mean, they disagree politically! So, obviously, they should die. And, to think, the son said that BEFORE the shooting at his school. Yeah, he's really interested in a polite debate. CNN has found these kind of disturbing tweets and posts before to get people disinvited from events or kicked out of political groups (as they should), but couldn't do basic checks for their townhall?

I'm done with the Parkland drama club (this is a literal statement, the kids pushing gun control are all from the HS drama club) as they are obviously SJWs basking in the glow of media attention. Kasky's Dad was euphoric on Facebook talking about "the Biebs" (Justin Bieber) calling his son the other night. While other kids go to funerals and grieve, this group united by their SJW hatred for anyone that believes differently, plotted how to act like innocent grieving HS kids to push gun control to a receptive media.

I think everyone knows I'm no right-winger (been accused of being a liberal for years on TW), but I see what's going on right now with this push for gun control. At least try to hide it. When you do it in plain sight, and try to rub our noses in it I'm going to speak out.

Screenshots tomorrow. These are hate-filled people that can't stand those that disagree with them. Right at home with Trump -- in fact, the father had a brief flirtation with liking Trump after Bernie fizzled out. Oh, I'm sure everyone is shocked to find out the Dad was a Bernie supporter. Just SHOCKED.


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McCalla, AL
I would hope a teenage kid doesn’t represent the tolerant left any more than trump represents the family values right.

Well...look at the research and polling. Trump does represent a lot of "evangelicals" that abandoned all pretense of what family values actually mean. And, yeah, this kid and his Dad absolutely represent the SJW left these days. Not classical leftists who respect their opponent and debate ideas. "There is no middle ground" remember?


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McCalla, AL
I would consider the right to own a gun a liberty. And I would consider my creator God.

Not just the Declaration of Independence which blatantly says rights are endowed by the Creator, but also the Federalist Papers and other writings by the Founding Fathers and thinkers preceding them.

Or even MLK Jr:

All men are made in the image of God. All men are bothers. All men are created equal. Every man is an heir to a legacy of dignity and worth. Every man has rights that are neither conferred by, nor derived from the State--they are God-given.

-- Martin Luther King Jr.



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Well...look at the research and polling. Trump does represent a lot of "evangelicals" that abandoned all pretense of what family values actually mean. And, yeah, this kid and his Dad absolutely represent the SJW left these days. Not classical leftists who respect their opponent and debate ideas. "There is no middle ground" remember?
Then we are screwed.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Broward County sheriff wants to take away the right to self defense. We don’t need “those” types of guns he says. That’s how it starts out. Those guns become all guns.

Let me remind you this is a sheriff department that failed those children in every, EVERY, level. From prevention to intervention once the event was ongoing. No thanks, sheriff. I’ll be responsible for my own safety. No thanks to you.


PerryW Project Supporter
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This is a very basic summary of what the Founding Fathers said. Rights are bestowed by the Creator and not by man. I'm confused at how you haven't heard this before. And, yes, the NRA is trash but what's new?
Yes I have heard that take on it before, but I don't think gun ownership is a right granted by God, I don't see anything in scripture about it. I think it is a privilege granted by our society and government. Gun ownership, car ownership, boat ownership, etc are privileges we have because of the freedoms granted us in our country, but each comes with guidelines, restrictions, requirements that must be met before anyone can own and operate such. As I see it, none are a God given birthright.


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Yes I have heard that take on it before, but I don't think gun ownership is a right granted by God, I don't see anything in scripture about it. I think it is a privilege granted by our society and government. Gun ownership, car ownership, boat ownership, etc are privileges we have because of the freedoms granted us in our country, but each comes with guidelines, restrictions, requirements that must be met before anyone can own and operate such. As I see it, none are a God given birthright.
Then you should have an issue with the founding fathers as Wayne LaPierre only paraphrased their words. Your anger is misdirected.


PerryW Project Supporter
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Then you should have an issue with the founding fathers as Wayne LaPierre only paraphrased their words. Your anger is misdirected.
No.... I think LaPierre has made a poor extrapolation from the intent of the Founding Fathers and ran his line through God to give credibility to a certain element of his base because he knew they would eat it up. The Founding Fathers, although very wise men, were not infallible themselves as some who claim to be patriots want to believe, but God is.


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McCalla, AL
Yes I have heard that take on it before, but I don't think gun ownership is a right granted by God, I don't see anything in scripture about it. I think it is a privilege granted by our society and government. Gun ownership, car ownership, boat ownership, etc are privileges we have because of the freedoms granted us in our country, but each comes with guidelines, restrictions, requirements that must be met before anyone can own and operate such. As I see it, none are a God given birthright.

I'm guessing because guns didn't exist in the Bible. But self-defense did...
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