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Archive 2017-2019 Political Thread

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Mother Jones of all places had a very good article on identifying the "next" mass shooter, and that they can somewhat be predicted based off of past profiles. One interesting point is that these mass shooters spend an inordinate amount of time planning their attacks. Some do it over the course of several years or close to a year. They meticulously study methods and weapons. They learn from the last guy. It is true that one of the reasons the AR15 suddenly became a weapon of choice is because of Newtown and Aurora.

What's unfortunate is, that outside of Las Vegas, I can't think of many of these mass shootings with an AR15 that wouldn't have actually been more effective with handguns. Most of the shootings and victims are located in close quarters. The AR15 isn't just chosen because of its inherent deadliness and magazine size, it's because the mass shooters feel empowered with a weapon that looks scary, can be accessorized, and it is something their heroes (other mass shooters) used before them. You will continue to have mass shootings with high body count because these people will learn and adapt. When people say it's not preventable that's not really true. I'll link the Mother Jones piece later. They can be prevented -- it's just that banning certain guns won't prevent them or reduce their lethality. The common argument against AR15s is that most of our most deadly shootings have occurred in the past decade or so, and the shooter used an AR15. But is that truly because of the AR15 or because these sadistic losers studied each other? Virginia Tech, using only handguns, with 32 deaths was the highest before the Pulse Nightclub. Before Va. Tech Luby's Cafeteria with 23, again handguns, was the highest.

I'll spare you the arguments about whether or not anyone needs a Hummer, a car with a 600hp engine, a 12,000 sq ft home or a million dollar wine cellar. I don't believe need is the issue here. The issue is balancing liberty and freedom against public safety. And if that's the case, just understand that banning AR15s will have a very negligible impact on public safety. I truly don't believe that anti-gun groups are unaware of that fact. They are very aware.

But the AR15 is a very attractive target because it scares people, it's been enshrined by the media as nothing but a killing machine, mass shooters have recently used it in some of the higher death toll events, and banning it would cost very little political capital while also doing very little to actually reduce gun deaths. You don't want to actually have a truly measurable impact on gun deaths when your goal is to eventually leverage the continued public outrage at mass shootings into total gun ban. They are playing a long game and this is just a first step. Not all of them -- some are sincere about doing anything that can prevent even one death. But the groups and people that matter understand the futility of banning AR15s in a country of 33.6k gun deaths a year.

They also understand how to manipulate the argument with their own "alternative facts." That's why most Americans believe the number of school shootings is on the rise. They actually aren't.


That's also the reason why even WaPo had to bust Everytown for saying there had been 18 school shootings this year. An outright lie meant to scare people so they can achieve their goal of banning all guns. They included suicides in school parking lots after hours, a death at a closed school, and a stray bullet that hit a building of an urban community college. It's also why you will hear the Gun Violence archive claim there have been 1624 mass shootings in 1870 days. When your definition is essentially more than one person is hit by a bullet then a LOT of random gun violence becomes a scary "mass shooting" which for most Americans is a lurid picture of a an active shooter hunting people with an AR15.

Politifact, which has a good bit of liberal political bias actually plays it decently straight in their recent fact-check. They point out that most modern firearms are semi-automatic. This includes many hunting rifles and almost all handguns. They even point out how "cosmetic" differences (their words not mine) make up the bulk of the difference between AR15s and a lot of other rifles that very few people say a word about.


I just posted about this, but a group of Parkland survivors say they are calling for a ban on semi-automatic rifles while saying they aren't looking to ban guns. You can assume they are just typical 16/17 year olds that don't know that would ban a huge chunk of rifles produced and sold today. But, they, if you can ban semi-automatic rifles I'm not sure how you are very far at all from banning semi-automatic handguns when the only major difference is the length of the barrel.
But everyone should understand how this form of political advocacy works. You use certain terms and phrases to scare, manipulate, and comvince. Like, say, "chain migration" vs family-based immigration or family reunification. You want to provoke an emotional response and lasting fear. You want to be able to convince even rational normal everyday people.

I know you understand this -- you mentioned it yourself. But just understand that this isn't about banning AR15s or the GOP making the AR15 a sacrificial lamb. I know you say that wouldn't be a death-knell for 2nd amendment rights. I don't think I agree. If they can use manipulation, emotion, alternative facts, loaded words, and misleading definitions to ban one type of gun responsible for a low single digit percentage of gun deaths, why wouldn't they be able to use the same tactics on guns that are actually responsible for 80+% of gun deaths? It's not like those kinds of tactics don't work. They elected the 45th President of the United States. Those kinds of tactics vanquished both his general and primary electoral opponents -- very formidable opponents that were well-versed in those same tactics.
Both of these pieces are very critical for today's gun control/mass shooting



It's sad that Mother Jones has to be the outlet to explore these issues when much of what they uncover actually fits the Conservative arguments on guns than the liberal idea that we've got to ban guns because anyone is a potential mass shooter.
51 minutes long audio clip with the transcript below, a discussion on Gun Violence. I haven't had a chance to read or listen yet, but thought I'd at least put it here in case I forget.


I read the transcript yesterday after you posted it. A bit disappointed in Kopel to be honest. He did a great job exposing the BS of Bowling for Columbine, but his explanations and arguments here are just rehashing what a lot of Libertarians and Conservatives already believe. It's preaching to the choir, and some of his arguments are not really the best choice for convincing moderates or fence hangers.

That said, he does raise a few interesting points, so thanks for posting.
Approaching from a political angle, though, legislation is needed. If the Republicans don't provide it, the Democrats will promise it all over the country leading up to November and voters will bite. Do we want Nancy Pelosi leading this issue?

Again, I agree with your premise just not the conclusion that AR15s should be a sacrificial lamb. My reasoning is simply that once it fails to put a dent in mass shootings and gun violence we've then got to acquiese to serious gun bans. You could also argue that an AR15 gun ban could be part of a more comprehensive set of legislative remedies like the restraining orders, increase in firearm ownership age, more money for mental health care, pilot screening programs to identify mass shooters before they attack, background checks for ammo, etc.

But why throw the AR15 in with a set of things that can work by themselves. We know that even with all of what we mentioned that we aren't going to totally eliminate or even sharply drop gun violence in a short period of time. There would be more mass shootings with handguns and then a call to heavily restrict or ban them since we already did away with the AR15.

I feel that once you go down the path of making the gun the issue instead of the person and the cultural issues you've made it the centerpiece for future legislation because guns are already such easy targets. Outside of true gun buffs, who really LOVES guns? I don't. I see them as a device that provides for a certain level of freedom and protection against someone who wants my stuff or wants to harm me or my family.

Agreed that the GOP needs to lead. Little faith that they will.

Marooned and others have pointed this out, but evil exists. That's the crux of the unsolvable part of this. As Christians, we know there is only one true solution there...
I think if we're to the point that emotion is going to rule the day and logic and facts no longer matter, then all the compromise in the world won't really amount to anything.

I agreed with you previously, and I still agree that Republicans need to lead (fat chance of that happening), but I don't believe for one second that agreeing to ban AR15s is what these kids or anti-gun groups actually want. It's a fig leaf for a comprehensive gun ban. There are a number of workable compromises and solutions that would actually have an impact on the overall firearm homicide/suicide death rate, and that's what Republicans should lead with.

And, they should do so by using experts, data, and research (will be quite scary for the GOP to actually listen to experts or research) while attempting to mitigate the emotional response by being compassionate and understanding, but also pointing out they were elected to represent all Americans and must balance rights/freedom/due process against the need to further reduce firearm violence. I think it would be smart to tie in legislation to combat the opioid epidemic at the same time to make this issue one of broader public safety goals than just guns.

But let's also be honest, the Republicans and Trump have very little credibility on a vast array of issues, and the hardcore anti-gun zealots aren't interested in compromise. When they say they are for sensible gun legislation it couldn't be further from the truth. So, there is little point trying to get those people on board. However, people like ghost, you, and others that don't seem to be fans of AR15s, but also care about the 2nd amendment are people that do actually care about sensible things, so that's where the engagement should occur. Just keep in mind that the anti-gun groups see this as their best opportunity since Sandy Hook, and an AR15 ban is not at all what they want.

You're right that there are groups that want more than an AR15 ban, but in this world of decision making by headline reading many people don't have the intellectual depth to think beyond banning AR15's. The Republicans shouldn't lead with a ban of any gun(sorry if I presented it that way), but be prepared to agree to something similar as a compromise.

I think tying in addressing the opioid epidemic is a great idea along with addressing mental health.

You burst my bubble though because you reminded me this group of Republicans is incapable of leading.

The new Trump Assault Weapons ban will be truly #MAGA. 89-D chess, I'm sure. I actually laughed when Mike brought up the potential of a Trump betrayal because you can take the NYC Liberal out of NYC, but you can't take the Liberal out.

AR15.com is going bonkers. Going to be fun to watch. Now, once the Trump base goes nuts how long before this is spun as "well, we had to make a token gesture." You wait until months after Vegas and then announce this? Nah, not transparent at all. If this is the strategy it may actually be fun watching AR15s get banned.
And yes, gun violence, or lack of concern with regards to it, in America is truly intertwined with our culture. See Chris Rock's new stand up "comedy." Yes, this was released on the day of the Parkland shooting and remains up on Netflix.

What is scary is the clear number of people laughing. This is the kind of culture that breeds violence. Let us not work toward a goal of reducing all around gun deaths. Let's wish kids...yes KIDS...of another race are shot at a higher number. What the actual f**k. This is not comedy.

And yes, gun violence, or lack of concern with regards to it, in America is truly intertwined with our culture. See Chris Rock's new stand up "comedy." Yes, this was released on the day of the Parkland shooting and remains up on Netflix.

What is scary is the clear number of people laughing. This is the kind of culture that breeds violence. Let us not work toward a goal of reducing all around gun deaths. Let's wish kids...yes KIDS...of another race are shot at a higher number. What the actual f**k. This is not comedy.

He's being satirical. Likely mocking the outrage that affluent whites have toward mass shootings while ignoring the other 98-99% of gun homicides that disportionately occur in minority communities. I raised the same point earlier without the woeful analogy he used.

Watching Comedians in Cars getting coffee have me a new appreciation for the nutty stuff some of these comedians say. They are definitely not serious. I can see how it is irksome, but black humor and satire is their thing.

He talks a good game for someone who lacks a functioning spinal column. I'd love to believe that Rubio is sincere and not being his typical political opportunist self, but his betrayal on immigration and other issues are things that have proven to me that Rubio is the type of grotesque say and do anything politician that I loathe.

I try to not even comment on Rubio, or read anything he says, because he is dead to me. The biggest political mistake I've ever made is ignoring the eerily accurate criticism of Rubio that many made during 2015/2016. Fool me once is all it takes.

I know some people still respect and like Marco. I truly had high hopes for the man. I'm definitely biased against him, so I'm sure my vitriol against him isn't 100% fair. But, he seems to be pretty worried about keeping his Senate seat so he can keep his 2024 Presidential ambitions on track. His acquiescence to Trump, and immigration betrayal are just two things I'll never be able to get past no matter what he says or does. Maybe if he cured cancer I'd get over it.
Ben Shapiro said it best...experiencing a tragedy doesn't confer expertise on the subject. I am a survivor of Hurricane Katrina, my family, both immediate and extended, lost everything the storm. I saw and experienced the aftermath...I am no way an expert on hurricanes, disaster response, or engineering of levees. Why do the kids who experienced the tragedy of this mass shooting assume they are somehow experts on a very complex subject? And why does the media continue to trot them out as pawns?

Ben Shapiro said it best...experiencing a tragedy doesn't confer expertise on the subject. I am a survivor of Hurricane Katrina, my family, both immediate and extended, lost everything the storm. I saw and experienced the aftermath...I am no way an expert on hurricanes, disaster response, or engineering of levees. Why do the kids who experienced the tragedy of this mass shooting assume they are somehow experts on a very complex subject? And why does the media continue to trot them out as pawns?

That's simple - because people keep watching. Never forget, the media ultimately cares about advertising dollars. As long as people continue to watch the kids protest, the news will continue to give them airtime.
He talks a good game for someone who lacks a functioning spinal column. I'd love to believe that Rubio is sincere and not being his typical political opportunist self, but his betrayal on immigration and other issues are things that have proven to me that Rubio is the type of grotesque say and do anything politician that I loathe.

I try to not even comment on Rubio, or read anything he says, because he is dead to me. The biggest political mistake I've ever made is ignoring the eerily accurate criticism of Rubio that many made during 2015/2016. Fool me once is all it takes.

I know some people still respect and like Marco. I truly had high hopes for the man. I'm definitely biased against him, so I'm sure my vitriol against him isn't 100% fair. But, he seems to be pretty worried about keeping his Senate seat so he can keep his 2024 Presidential ambitions on track. His acquiescence to Trump, and immigration betrayal are just two things I'll never be able to get past no matter what he says or does. Maybe if he cured cancer I'd get over it.

/shrug. He made the same reasoned, logicial points you made. I know he is dead to you and it is duly noted. I haven't completely disowned him yet. But I am watching him.
Meanwhile, Republicans continue sitting on their hands

Any meaningful legislation is going to take time to consult experts in many different fields (that's not an excuse for lack of legislation after the last several mass shootings). They can ram rod crappy legislation through, but when the next mass shooting happens, everyone is gonna look around and keep demanding more and more.

Columbine happened during the federal assault weapons ban. Virginia Tech was done by two handguns. All I've seen was cries for assault weapons bans from these kids and adults. Our politicans can do 3 things: consult experts and the data from previous mass shootings and see what went wrong and build from there (laws, mental health, lack of law enforcement transparency etc.), they can do absolutely nothing, or they can scapegoat a "scary" and "menacing" weapon that will have no affect. I'd prefer the first. I think many people want the last because it gives them a false sense of security.
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