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Hurricane Hurricane Barry (Gulf of Mexico)

Euro and GFS are locked and loaded on timing, track, and nearly the same strength. South Central to southeast Louisiana Friday night into Saturday.
Yeah the GFS has really fallen in line with the Euro solution from earlier today which is definitely not a good sign.
Due north turn Saturday morning. Landfall in south-central LA at 980 mb.

00z GFS valid at 1pm CDT Saturday

I've been following the ICON model with this system and it seems to be a few steps ahead of the GFS. Pretty consistent too. Of course we won't know until it verifies but here's a segment from Sunday evenings run: (7mB gif)

I'm very interested to see if the northward turn will happen as depicted on most of guidance.
Flooding is already beginning in the city of New Orleans. This is gonna be a long duration event.
Yeah, the GFS has this thing taking until late in the day on Monday to move out of Louisiana, so it would be dumping rain on southern Louisiana for an entire week. If there’s already flooding now...