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Archive Former Major Hurricane Irma

The resolution and frame rate of the new satellite imagery is astounding. It's beautiful and horrific at the same time.
Am I reading this correctly? 920 MB

Is the HMON model strictly a hurricane forecasting model per se?

Heh, just wanted to post this to get a laugh. I think this model *might* have an issue with intensity forecasts.

We're down to 916mb
My God ...

Can she really make that sharp turn while strengthening as quickly as she is?

Folks here in ATL Metro are getting generators ready and stuff!
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Just a little off topic observation. There is not as much posting on here as in years past. Everyone on vacation? Used to have tons of pages on this by now.
Yep...I just joined TW again. I'm sure it'll get busier on here as Irma gets closer. But you are right....there used to be a lot more pages at this stage of the game.
My grandfather lives in Boyant Beach, just south of West Palm Beach. If it takes the track, he will dodge most of the catastrophic winds, but if it hit's on his side, it's not good. Considering driving down there and getting him and bringing him back to Birmingham.