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  1. WesL

    PLEASE READ TalkWeather Forum Updates

    This afternoon we will be implementing a new architecture for TalkWeather's database and applications servers. This will help prepare us for future growth. During this time you randomly not be able to access the site. Additional notes will be posted below.
  2. WesL

    Overnight Upgrades 5-12 thru 5-13 2017

    Greetings all, Overnight tonight I will be performing a few upgrades we have been putting off due to severe weather and business travel. You may find the forum unresponsive at times or get a message the site is down. Rest assured we will be back in no time. If you have issues or questions...
  3. WesL

    Upgrades Today

    Afternoon all, Hope everyone has had a great Easter weekend! Based on our last severe weather event I'm going to making some configuration changes and upgrade to the board this afternoon starting at 5:30pm (central). Not exactly sure how long it will take but you may get a forum down...