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In honor of the lives that were lost and touched by the large-scale outbreak on 4/27/2011, TalkWeather will go ad-free today. As shown in the days before, during, and after the outbreak this community comes together when they are needed the most. Our only ask for today is if you have a story...
Due to the fact of talking about Derechos I figured we could discuss this. In terms of Derechos, we know big ones such as the "Great Inland Hurricane", but I don't think the one that occurred early 4/27 is talked about enough. Not only did it create strong wind damage across the whole state, but...
The most common question I've had since turning TW back on in January is about the April 27, 2011 thread. With over 2000+ posts it is was one of the largest threads on the old site and the information contained within served as a living record for those who are both weather enthusiasts and...
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