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terms of service

  1. WesL

    PLEASE READ Terms and Standards Update

    This evening we updated our Terms and Standards to clarify that we do not allow members to have multiple accounts. In extreme circumstances, we may allow it but permission will need to be sought via the contact us form before a second account is created. Thank you, Wes
  2. WesL

    PLEASE READ Policy Update Concerning Links and Videos

    Policy Update 13-OCT-2019 Going forward moderators/admins will remove posts that only include a web site link or embedded video with no description. This is considered spamming and will result in warning points for repeated violations. It only takes a few moments to provide a short description...
  3. WesL

    PLEASE READ Upcoming Rule Change: Citations

    In the coming weeks the moderating and administrative teams will receive training on a new rule that will go into effect on May 1, 2018. Our terms of service and community standards documents will be updated to reflect this simple and easy change. Many of our TalkWeather members already...