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Archive 2017-2019 Political Thread

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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
March for Life vs the Women's March. A stark tale of 2 completely different movements. One is rooted in science, a stance on rights for ALL Americans, and love. The other is rooted in delusion, unfounded rage, hatred, and idiocy. It's clear which is which. I cannot even link tweets to the signs seen at one of the marches...they are grotesque.

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Huntsville, AL


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McCalla, AL
One problem. The woman in question vehemently denies the story.

This is demonstrably false. She hasn't said a word verbally about it since it broke. Please point out her denial because there hasn't been one.

If you are -- for some bizarre reason -- referring to the TYPED statement distributed by Trump's attorney, and purportedly signed by Daniel's, then may I inquire if you'd like to sign an exclusive lifetime lease on the Brooklyn Bridge?

Because it's totally normally for a causal acquaintance of the President from years ago to issue a statement through the President's PERSONAL attorney. And, of course, you'd have to ask how the story she told In Touch magazine somehow perfectly matched dates she was privately and publicly with Trump (confirmed by independent parties). And, she somehow even knew about Trump's shark phobia before he ever tweeted about it, knew he was on the cover of a specific magazine at a specific time she was confirmed as having been seen with him. You'll also have to figure out, how two random political consultants involved in her potential Senate run from almost a decade ago, somehow had the foresight to email each other about her Shark/magazine cover story (dated/timestamped emails, in fact), and somehow knew Trump would be President.

Finally, I'm sure you can explain why someone so willing to sign a statement from Trump's personal attorney (despite having always had her own attorney) won't say verbally what Trump's lawyer claims in her statement. She's done tons of media interviews. She's appeared at strip clubs. Yet she can't say: "I already issued a statement, but hear it from my mouth directly we didn't have an affair." It wouldn't hurt her publicity. She's already gotten all the press. She's had her 10 minutes. It would cost her nothing to say: "yep, that was my statement." So why hasn't she done so?

You know what would cost her? Breaking a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Ever read an NDA part of a lawsuit about sexual impropriety? They contain all kinds of fun things. Like how the person that signs it would have to pay you millions and millions (sometimes hundreds of millions) if they say ANYTHING that goes against the concocted story in the NDA. Things like... if people inquire about our relationship you must sign a written statement prepared by my attorney that contests all allegations.

How do we know there was a non-disclosure agreement signed? Multiple outlets have independently confirmed it. They even know the fake names that were used. They even found the phony LLC that Trump's attorney used to push the 130k "settlement" money through. But, but, but...you say! The news media lies. This is FAKE NEWS. Well, guess what? Trump and his attorney may be public figures, but want to know one way you can win a libel or slander case? Accuse someone of having an affair they didn't have and then prove you didn't have one. Obviously your, uh, "friend" that you supposedly slept with will be subpoenaed to testify and NDAs don't apply when someone has been lawfully subpoenaed and is giving a deposition or testimony. So, why hasn't Trump sued every outlet that reported the story? Testimony from the two involved as well as records, eyewitness statements (from, for example, Trump's security guy Keith Schiller that always traveled with him and was always at Trump Tower) would be incredibly powerful testimony. In a civil case, you don't have a super high burden of proof. Sure, libel requires that you show strong evidence that the media outlets had actual malice and a reckless disregard for the truth, but you aren't suing to actually win. You are doing it to present your evidence to the public. If you ended up winning (which is not impossible in this case) even better! Why wouldn't you sue? Unless you were afraid what your "friend" might say under oath without protection of a non-disclosure agreement.

Well, you say, the President doesn't have time for that. Well guess who does? Michael Cohen the President's personal attorney. He's been accused of paying the "friend" 130k and setting up a dummy LLC to funnel the money through. Why, that's a slam dunk libel case. Surely his records of the LLC would show he never made that 130k payment. I'm sure bank records and other business records would confirm that LLC was never used for such a thing. Even the "friend" and her attorney could testify: "there's no NDA, WE NEVER SIGNED ANYTHING." If you have dozens of independent records showing the 130k payment and NDA allegations are FALSE, along with the testimony of Ms. Daniels, not to mention two distinguished attorneys, you'd win the case as easily as a breakaway layup by LeBron James. Not to mention, all those friends of the "friend" that said Ms. Daniels texted them and called them to tell them about the affair, that she was nervous she wasn't going to be paid the 130k, etc can testify she NEVER said such a thing. Why, they have their text messages, emails, and call logs to prove it!

Who are you trying to kid, Matt? Yourself or the gullible posters of Talkweather? You know as well as all the rest of us that if the story was false there are a million ways to prove it. Because this isn't the Roy Moore situation. There's a paper trail. There are legal documents. There are independent witnesses. There are emails, text messages, and call logs. There are bank records, business records, and lots of other things.

Trump paid the lady off. He banged her just like a lecherous Bill Clinton did to all those women who YOU BELIEVE and have always believed. You know it, I know it, the American people know it, and to act as if there is even a 0.00000000000001% doubt about it is just absurd.


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Furthermore, this proves that Michael Cohen are well versed at setting up shell companies and moving money around in sneaky ways. I’m firmly convinced trump is a money launderer.


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Huntsville, AL
I have a feeling 2018 will be a bad year for Trump. I just can't fathom how his obvious lies, past sexual misconduct and secretive shady business practices are neglected and denied by enough people to have elected him and kept him in office. There's bound to be a cache of highly illegal information somewhere and I think it'll be uncovered eventually..


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Tuscaloosa, Alabama
I have a feeling 2018 will be a bad year for Trump. I just can't fathom how his obvious lies, past sexual misconduct and secretive shady business practices are neglected and denied by enough people to have elected him and kept him in office. There's bound to be a cache of highly illegal information somewhere and I think it'll be uncovered eventually..
I feel like it'll be worse for Democrats. They manufactured this government shutdown in an attempt to generate support for DACA. The whole grandstanding show lasted a pathetic 3 days. Then, they folded and voted overwhelmingly to fund the government. They got nothing for the stunt they pulled. That will resonate come midterms...


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How so ? What else do you think he is guilty of ?
I think it is probable that he and his campaign accepted help from the Russians. Do you not think he is guilty of obstruction?

I also think it is possible his businesses have been involved with Russian money laundering.


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I think it is probable that he and his campaign accepted help from the Russians. Do you not think he is guilty of obstruction?

I also think it is possible his businesses have been involved with Russian money laundering.

Do you have any evidence suggesting he accepted help from the Russians ? Also, is Mueller still on the job ?


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Do you have any evidence suggesting he accepted help from the Russians ? Also, is Mueller still on the job ?
There is plenty of evidence in the behavior and lies surrounding the infamous meeting. Also, the behavior of several in the trump team surrounding Kislyak is concerning. Why has Trump still refused to sign the Russian sanctions into law? The testimony of Carter Page is pretty incriminating as well, even with the softball questions from the R's.

If Trump is so innocent, why the firings and attacks?

Mueller is on the job, but Comey isn't...

"And in fact when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said 'you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won'." It's a farce that that GOP is making us go through this entire investigation just to reach the conclusion that we would have 4 months into the administration. Good on them for getting their tax cuts and gutting half the government, but they're only going to make it worse for themselves in November.

He's admitting to obstruction here.

If you have more time, read this: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-conten...-justice-the-case-of-donald-j-trump-final.pdf
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Roy, UT
Classless move on her part. She is completely unlikeable.

So they forced out McCabe. They are doing everything they can to stop the investigation. Reeks of guilt.

It is entertaining how everybody interprets different events based on their political leanings.

I've seen those on the left interpret the McCabe deal just as you did, and I've seen those on the right pushing that this is the start of it getting bad for the left. Same event, two completely different viewpoints.
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